Goodness, how long have i abandon this blog? How many thousand days..
Anyway its always this period that i am very busy with both work and studies, Esp when prelims are coming next month. I have not seriously sit down and read my Corporate Finance notes at all. Oh my, i am getting so lazy this year, probably due to the fact that i only have 2 modules this year. After May, my final exam, i will be freed from exams and studying periodically. And need to start searching for new job, new prospects and step into the working society. But right now, i does not have the mood for anything, not Chinese New Year, not prelims.
Gosh, come to think of it, i truly aged. When there is a need to step into the working society, many responsiblities just falls on u. I just hope i can take all the responsibilities. Sigh
Anyway i seriously hate people who just laze around doing nothing, wasting the time away. Don't say u got no money when u nv even start to work for it yet. I seriously dislike that.
Oh well, today just pop by here to vent some frustrations... VEXed...