Today is a massage day with mummy at BODY CONTOURS. Thanks to Ivy sis for buying the voucher that cost $48 for the massage, scrub and bath steam (U.P $150).
This is my 2nd massage cum scrub in a week. The 1st massage cum scrub is done in Malaysia KL Hotel. It is really relaxation.

Today is the Mid-autumn festival for most of the chinese.
In this festival, people ate mooncakes, admire the full moon and carry lanterns.
However its a pity that it rained tonight so probably kids can't carry lanterns and walk around the park. Neither can they admire the big full moon, which was advice by the experts that it suppose to be the most bright full moon.
Anyway today Jay celebrated his belated children day at the event organised by the RC. He also given a chance to perform with his classmates too. Stay Tuned for his video and photos.
Its only been 3 days since i last chatted with Him but i feel like its been a week. I can't stand the fact that he's not online at all.. Probably feeling tired in this.. only hope that Dec come soon..Happy birthday to Yinxia too.. muacks dear..