Am here to say a big welcome to Mr timothy...
Welcome back home in Singapore..
wahaha.. glad to have u back..
Life transformers is actually a variety show on Channel 8 every monday 8pm.
This show nvr fails to touch me and nvr fail to make me tear.
Its really a touching show.
In this show, I saw the kind hearted Singaporean that are willing to share their things, do things for the unfortunate minorit and saw how Quan Yifeng and Christopher Lee willing to put in all their effort to make it a better place for the unfortunates. It changed my mind about Christopher Lee thou.
Maybe u might think he's doing it just for the show but not all people like him will put in his 100% effort to do it.
Andyway, This show is hosted by Quan YiFeng and Christopher Lee, its about the less fortunate people in Singapore and showed their living condition are.
I, myself, living in a very comfortable place where parents loved and dote, cant help feeling sorry for these people i saw on tv. Never ever know that there are people who are so so unfortunate, either down with disease or taking care of family members with illness.
It reflected how fortunate u and me are, able to run, walk, work even play.
Last nite the show is about this ger Wang Wan Ying, 26, she got this illness when she's 21. She used to be a bubbly and lively ger.
One day she got sick, down with fever and the fever never subside and damage the brain. Now she cant walk, cant think, cant even swallow food.
Basically she cant do anything and needs the parents to do everything and look after her.
Her parents used up all the savings to cure her.
Quan Yifeng, Christopher and their volunteers went to refurnish their house to make it a better place for the parents to take care of the daughter.
Her parents looked really tired taking care of her daughter but yet they do not give up any hope in curing her. The father really touched me last nite. He showed his endless love for the daughter and nvr want to give up on her.
Till then i realise all parents are the same, willing to shower all the endless love to their children regardless of motive. Our Parents are noble.
I cant help but feel so fortunate to be able to do the little things that Wan Ying cant do.
Before we complain about how life is so unfair, we shall reflect on ourselves and should thank god how fortunate we are compare to the minority people. At least we are able to sing, dance, walk, work, eat and talkLastly, thank our parents for showering us with love without asking for anything.
Perhaps before i complain about how work sux or even how study is hard, i should reflect on myself how fortunate i can study and work.. Not many people can do the things i do even if its just a small matter..
Today is my little nephew Jaylen Lam birthday.. 11 Nov..
we bought him a nice cake to celebrate with his friends in his class later at 11am..
I got for him 2 tops for his birthday present..
The 3rd year celebrating his birthday.. and many more to come..
Lastly, happy birthday to my dearest cutest boy,
Here i am, as i have mentioned earlier if my marcomms send me the pictures for the Etro Event i will post it up..
And here goes:

Dashing Mr model..
He really looks good in real person..
Doesnt he look like a manniquin?
hoho... yesterday
Qi Yu Wu came to my work place and i happened to attend to him. he wore a cap and with big sunglasses till i cant even recognise him, its only my colleague told me then i know its him. Anyway he ask me whether do we sell hats. haha looking macho...
Sen is gonna envy me talking to her idol xia.. wahahah