Today brain isnt working so good, feels so stressed out and tired after my 6 hours of lessons.
But it definitely feels good after my
hip hop class.
Makes me sweat and dancing along with the
music is good.
It's worth the
Dancing is really good but i doesnt really have appropriate shoes and bottoms.
Gotta get new one soon, anyone wanna get for me?
More and more assignment coming up.
Gotta get more off days but my duty roaster from work is already done up.
Have to beg my manager plus nov gotta stay at home to be part time housewife doing household chores after my mom's op.
Sigh.. what a nov i will be going thru.
Lucky my job doesnt really make me stress out because i really have some great colleagues there.
They are nice bunch of pple. So jovial and funny yet serious when working and serving customer.
Here's some of the pictures we took in the boutique
Here's the supervisior and seniors

From Top to bottom: Roni, Sue, Jolina, Tini and Lorraine

Have u ever seen a boutique with 7 sales person? Its Full Force
From L to R: Roni, Sue, Tini, Lorraine, Jolina, Me and Joseph (part timer)

All dressed up?

Did this personality test that Jun send the link to me.
It wrote A type: I'm a pure fountain girl
actually this personality test is quite true on me.
This chinese personality test is too difficult to do the translation.
Sorry i cant translate for those who cant read.
Anyway its quite a good one.
如果你能一 直保持这种魅力的话,相信你能成为一个善于跟各的人沟通的心理医生或优秀的教师哦!除此之外,你还要多锻炼自己的口才,多跟不同类型的人交往,在你与他们的交流过程中能学到新的东西,积累更多的人生经验,如此一来 ,你才会变得更加出色!
Its been quite some time since i updated my bloggy.
Been busy recently, mostly work and studies.
Hectic school life with tonnes of notes to read.
I wonder am i gonna take all this rubbish for its been 2 yrs since i touch any readings.
UOL life is really hard.
Really need alot of reading to do..
How shag it is..
*sigh*Well, shan shall nvr say die...lolzWorking life is hectic too lucky this month i took a few days off so as to rest and study.
Really busy at times.
Maybe its a good thing that bf is overseas else i definitely cant cope with all the timings.
Next month gonna be a busy month too, for my darling mummy will be going thru a minor op and gotta be a part time hsewife taking care of hseworks which i seldom do.
Wonder how shan gonna make it?
*double sigh*Xmas is coming soon.
In 2 mths time,
timo coming back, xmas coming, new yr coming.How fast time flies..
Still can remember last yr xmas wasnt a good one thou.
I cant wait for dec yet i pray for dec doesnt come fast..
How contradicting.Cant wait for dec to come because timo is finally coming back.. and yet dec means it will be nearer to the exams.
But of course the yearning for dec to come is stronger..
*wink*He's coming back, i will be super busy too.
With work, studies and him.
Cant wait to spend a xmas with him this yr.
Thank god he will be with us.Alot of oct babies --> shijia, dennis, serene, karen (in order of birth date)
Happy birthday sisters and brother...
love u all