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Sunday, September 30, 2007

I have not update this bloggy of mine for like a week?
Been busy with sch and working and some other things not much time to update.
Anyway busy at work recently at the boutique for got some new arrivals for the fashion show.
Fashion show ended well on 28/9 at 8pm.
Well its another kinda experience i have compared to my past jobs in office.
Never really know how fashion show works till the day i actually get a feel out of it.
I managed to be the "extra helper" not as in to cat walk but to dress up the tall models.
Anyway its fun seeing the models running in to change after their walk.
Somemore they are all naked. Duh.
Some figures real good while some passable only.
Actually the dresser (those who help to dress the models during their show) had a hard time too.
Because if they are slow or dress the models incorrectly they will be scolded by the models.
Ohya we even invited Andrea De Cruz and Pierre Png to our shop.
Andrea is slim. Pierre is quite charming with his smile.

Seeing all the preparations it take to set up a fashion show reminds me of our dance competition.
Everything u see on the stage, the dance, the modelling only take less than 5 mins while the preparation can be months for it.
Just like what the chinese has a saying: “台上十分钟,台下十年功。” (means on the stage only 10 mins but you got to practise for 10 yrs to be on the stage)
Well enough of the saying just see the pictures i took it secretly at the backstage. LOL.


The model i'm in charge of

The models are all dressed up ready for the show

Monday, September 24, 2007

Recently seen alot of animal fur coat. Its really nice but, frankly speaking, i wont want to buy it even if i got the money.
Little animal are being hurt just for their fur to make into beautiful coats for the humans.
Its a inhumane thing to do.
Today saw a rabbit + fox fur coat in the shop. Its really nice to touch but i really cant bear the thought of little rabbit being furless.
They are cute because they have their fur on how could the designers make the coat out of them.
Poor animal.
Shall protest anti-animal clothes thou i'm selling.

Hmm.. getting my pay soon.. getting a new phone i guess E65 here i come..
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yes this is what my interest might lies in.
Major in socio. Interesting subject to study how human reacts to environment.
Isit too early to say its interesting?

I'm study Sociology now so will i score in that?

You scored as Sociology, You should be a Sociology major!





























What is your Perfect Major?take the test
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cant believe it that today Nicholas Tze's mother came to the shop and walk past me.
I didnt realise it till my colleague told me after she left the shop.
Her name is Deborah Li. No wonder she dressed till like... i dunno how to describe.
Just abit funny but i like her heels.

Ohya end of this month Etro is having a fashion show.
We are asking all the rich people to come and watch.
Should be on 28th Sept.
Perhaps will be asking some celebrities? I dunno abt that. haha..
When Etro opening at Hongkong, the celebrities include Zhang Zhi Ling 张智零 and Lee Zhi 黎恣.
Can ask Wu Zhun come support the fashion show?
i wished man.
Wonder how would i react when i see my fav guy.
I bet the frens i noe will noe how i would react.

ohya here's my newest belt that add to my collections of belts *blink blink*:

I cant help but spend abit of money today again.
Bought a pair of heels for work. Cant stand wearing cover shoes everyday. It stinks.
20 more days before i can get my pay for this month.
Sorry Tata i still owe u money for the clothes.
Will clear the debts after i collect my pay.
So sorry.
Thursday, September 06, 2007

What have i been doing since sat?
Sat as usual work work work. Nothing special except that timo nv wait for me online.

Sun is my off day at least managed to do some skyping with timo. Not that bad.
I love skype..
Had a hair cut at hair inn this time instead of at jean yip.
Its kinda cheap thou. Wash and cut for $19. Better than jean yip.
Well like not much difference in the hair cut as last time.
Ting, jun and tata said tat too when i met them for dinner that day.
When tata came the first thing i ask her wad's the diff about me
"u cut ur hair and u grew fatter" quoted by tata.
Gotta control the unhealthy stuff i ate in the boutique.
Anyway i love going out with sisters.
Shall organise one whole day outing with them if possible.
Try to accomodate time ok?

Oh well its me after haircut before meeting sistaz


On monday and tuesday, the royal family from brunei came to the boutique to shop.

The 1st day came the Queen, 1st wife of brunei king, then the 3rd wife (quite pretty) , aka royal highness, came at a later timing. How rich they can be.
Nice clothing they wore.
But of course they got female bodyguards too.
When the royal highness came, a number of female bodyguards all rush infront of her guarding her from other people. Once they reached the shop, the body guard will close the doors and simply stand there looking so cool.
It makes me think of the Goong princess hour.
Like the royal highness will have many bodyguards along as well.
The scene is simply like on the tv one.
Amazed amazed.
Starting to imagine what i will be if i'm borned as a princess of some country.
Silver spoon, well fed with many assistants following me.
How nice it will be.

The 2nd day the princesses came overbut not as many bodyguards as the royal highness.
The next thing i was thinking was how nice to be rich isnt it.
Doesnt bothered to see the price when getting the clothes.

Wed, lesson as per normal.
After lesson, Jerome, yinxia, guohao and me went down to AMK hub for our lunch.
Lunch was at ichiban.
Solved my craving for sashimi thou.
And here goes my weekly allowance for this week.
Duh. Gotta withdraw again.
Been a spender this week, bought a puma belt and a slipper from the stadium (discounted of course), received my online clothes from sita (yet to pay), bought stationeries for my sch and the makans.
And here goes partial pay esp when pay isnt for the whole full aug month.
Duh. Need to save more this time.
I need some motivation to save.
Everyday psycho myself: " eating is sinful, save up for rainy days. Just eat simple meals."
Here's some updates of pictures of my uni mates
Firstly present Jerome. The guy ask me to give morning call and yet still can go back to sleep after my call. What the.. next time u ask me give morning call i make sure u better wake up.

Next is Guohao, my train buddy for he live in punggol. Always crack lame jokes and super cold person.
Chatty person who doesnt fail to let me scold everytime we go to sch together.

Next is Yinxia. Super sweet and pretty girl whom i adore. She's a nice person too. Lucky my uni life is with her else i will be bored to death.

And me. Noticed that everyone do the "twist" sign? it started with me 1st

Here's some cute pictures of us

And the weird ones from the guys, and poor jerome is forced to do the superman pattern

lastly the group photo

Dinner was up next for today schedule. My family dinner at the vegetarian restuarant at chinatown. Its 八宝素食馆 (eight treasures vegetarian).
Better than Ling zhi vegetarian. =x

Good recommendation to ting and LC. Next time there's the restuarant we can hang out already.
The food is super nice and its cheap too for got discount for us.
We ate abt $97 for the 6 adults. A dinner with my francis cousin and cindy cousin-in-law. Not too bad the food. Esp the fat meat, simply taste like the fat ones lor. Can see somemore the 3 layer of 'fats'. The sago melon dessert is made with ice cream.
Will go there again. Heez.


The fatty meat i was talking about. It look and taste like one

And ta-dah. Its gone in a blink

The sago melon dessert

Sweet jaylen is feeding his daddy

Cute isnt he?

I missed out a long conversation with timo tonite.
Shall catch up with him soon then on skype.
Not my fault thou.
Its really hard to accomodate the timing xia.
Is either he missed his or i got things on.
But no matter how hard i know both of us will try very hard.
I know we will cherish the time and each other despite the distance.
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
My 1st movie trip with sim friends is RATATOUILLE
Ratatouille, a super cute cartoon.
The cute rat ever.
Rat that know how to cook and invent new dishes.
Isnt it so cute?
But the storyline isnt that exciting thou.
Unlike the super funny Finding Nemo, not much adventurous part, nor super funny till i luff with tears rolling when i watch Finding Nemo.

But still its a Nice movie to watch to relax oneself.
1hr 50 mins movie.
Go catch it before it ends.
Saturday, September 01, 2007

I simply love TG4 outing even thou its just a simple dinner.

Love talking to them, love talking about the great dreams like wanna be a good accountant, financial analyst etc..

Talking about when will get married and getting ready to slim down just in case any1 of us have a 'sudden' wedding/engagement.

Our darling @de has grown up into a fine lady, preparing to 'queue' for their flat.

Can predict 1 or 2 yrs down the road ZJ and @de will be engaged and getting ready for their customary wedding.

How fast time can fly.
Even Ting had also thought about getting their flat, where to get their flat etc.

She and LC also discussed abt such issue too.

As for me, this idea nvr even popped up in my head before. Never once.

Am i very weird?

Maybe i'm just aint the one who will have an early marriage.

Basically if the guy really wants to marry me, he gotta be financially independent 1st.

Must at least able to support me and the family.

Maybe i'm being too realistic than idealistic.


So right now perhaps just isnt the time to think about this.

Maybe the right thing to think about is our graduation.

By the time we graduate already 25 plus and yet to have a stable job.

But i hope to get marry by 29. haha..

I love my TG3.

Ting and YY

Aint we lovey dovey?

Here's a nice one

And them

Ade, Ting and YY

Change position and its Me, Ting and YY

The Girls Power TG4

I love this one

The funky us

And lastly ended the lovely nite with 2 contrasting pictures of mine