Tuesday, August 28, 2007
hoho working at paragon allowed me to get to see a few of the famous pple.
That day saw Phyllis quek (ok she's not famous).. Today i saw
stephanie Sun walking past the shop with her mom.
And the fact is she's super skinny. No joke.
But she look kinda young. Perhaps the way she's dressed. Clad in jeans and tee.
Hope tml can get to see some other singers like JJ lin.
Haha. Hope.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
You are Gold Fawn, whose character is gentle and calm.
(Quite true)You tend to talk slowly and there's something warm about your atmosphere.
( this one i dunno am i?)Nevertheless, you have great fighting spirit within you, and you have great will power.
(hmm great fighting spirit? nah.. occasionally i tend to give things up thou)It's not too much to say that your will power is hidden under your intelligence and your personality.
Your movements are slow, and you also tend to be rather slow in putting things into action.
(this is definitely.)You also take other people's opinion too seriously, and are sensitive to rumors.
(confirmed plus chop.. pple noe me sure *thumbs up*)You try to avoid public criticism, by not using flashy expressions and fancy actions.
(true)You try to stick to social status, and are pure and conservative sort of person.
(yes pure and conservative person tats me)You dislike new changes, and prefer to carry on steadily in a safe environment.
(i agree with this for i tend to keep my pace in the environment i felt safe in even thou other might be better for example now there's another job higher pay... haiz i still considering)You think high of atmosphere than practicality.
(isit?)If you make your decisions only on your preferences, people may think you as a moody person.
(hmm i decide base on my heart)You are obsessed about cleanliness, and can be difficult, but you are really a kind person.
(not really so into cleanliness but i'm kind, rite?)You have good fortune, and your personal interest may turn into your occupation, or get as busy as your regular business.
(i hope so)Therefore your interest develops into something that can be profitable.
( what's my interest anyway?)Although you yourself are modest, people around you may get heated up, and make you a leader.
(a leader? am i?)What you have done to others will be returned by double or more.
After getting married, you will have good fortune with children, and will be able to lead a steady old age.
(wah i can retired early liao.. yippie)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today is the very 1st lesson of socio in school, lesson starts at 830am.
Its been a long time since i'm out of my house at the break of dawn.
Cant even see the sun yet and i'm outta house already esp when its a rainy day today.
What a good day for sleeping.The last time i woke up so early for school was like 6 years back when i'm sec 4.
Woohoo what a long time ago.
Sociology is quite an interesting module.
A study of how human changes environment and vice versa.
The lecture mentioned:
“We are not born what we are, is not the god give us neither it is nature, we are what we are due to the environment.”For example, boys are not born as boys is because we dressed them and ask them to behave like a guy/man.
Theorytically, its quite true for lets say a boy is born but we dressed them up like a ger and ask them to behave like a ger. Slowly they will prone to be a lady except the organs perhaps are still a man's.
Haha sounds lame thou.
Enough of some lame-ness, gotta go and
D.I.Y. my earrings.
Went down to chinatown to buy some crystal to
D.I.Y my birkies bought in Thailand and some buttons to make it into a earring. YinXia taught me that.
Its nice and save alot of money too.
You can be both pretty and thrifty.
Shall upload pictures once done.lala..
Ohya i dint know guys are into my blog too xia.
Sometimes my bloggings also become you all guys de topic ar..
become 饭后话题.
yeah tml is meeting TG4. almost a mth since we last have a 4 ladies bitching together.I bet tml there will be some juicy news.Looking forward to it.muacks. Pls dun fly plane tomorrow
Monday, August 20, 2007
The good thing about working in a high end boutique is you can get to see alot of different people, Esp the rich ones. Mostly the caucasians (ang mos) and japanese people.
Been working in the boutique for like 9 days, finally yesterday saw one quite
good looking ang mo guy.
He's so
cute. Even smiled at me when i just came out from pantry. Upon leaving the boutique he even just turned his head and smile and say bye to me only.
*shy*I did not even greet him and yet he say bye to me instead. Lol.
Cute and handsome guy perks up my day in the boring boutique at times.I find that the foreigners are more willing to spend a hefty sum on their wives or girlfriends than the local singaporean.
The ladies wore the clothes the guys find it nice and they just buy for them. And the clothes aint cheap. Or maybe the guy just came in alone to the shop just to look for something nice for their gf or wife. Sweet gesture.
Generous guys are hard to find.
Sometimes poor gf gotta hint their toot toot bf to buy that item for them. And at times they
cant catch the hint.
But u cant expect the lady to say: "
Hey i like tat buy for me."
Or you cant always expect ur lady to keep reminding you to get something for her when u are out at somewhere.
Guys be more alert to the ladies want and hint alright?
haha maybe i shld say that to my bf as well.
Its not as if i'm after his money, its a nice and simple gesture to notice the little things.
Even the thing just something cheap, its always nice to receive a little surprise.
The girl will think:"
hey this is a gentleman, is attentive enough to notice that i like this thing and much willing to spend on me." or maybe "
this guy of mine remembers me even when not around with me."
I always find it sweet when the guy just buy the thing that he find it nice/suitable on me or maybe something that i like very much and have yet to buy.
Guys dun wait for ladies to hint, be more initiative.
And nvr wanna go dutch on the very 1st date.
Someone said this before: "
It's a guy's honour to treat a lady"
*hint hint*
Guys this is rude if go on dutch on the 1st date. And girls will nvr go out with u again on a 2nd date again if u are wooing her.
Just like my darling sister Ms Val and Jo always said : "
Guys should ALWAYS be the one treating."
I'm not that evil as to everytime get the guy to pay for Everything but maybe a little surprise or even a little gesture to pay for certain thing that we like.
Guys being generous towards that girl will tend to leave a good impression too.
Think i crap alot today.
Well just some thots about it.
I did some shopping today and few days back.
Bought a solvil watch for myself and one for mom and one ee yore phone pouch (super cute).
My black
Solvil watch with crystal at the side to make it shine. I love bling bling stuff alot.
Adds up to my watches collection list. I've got a total of 8 watches at home, 4 are unused (no battery). Told my friends before if i'm rich i will buy alot of watches to keep.

Ee yore pouch, adds up to my collection of ee yore. Currently i only have 3 items of ee yore stuff.
Isnt it cute?
Oh man i missed the time to skype with timo again. sharks. i hate this.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Happen to see 权怡凤 and 许振荣的 talk show 《有话就说lets shoot》。
First time seen a talkshow live.
Quite interesting, but no interaction with the audiences for not much audiences anyway.
Another TV show.
Finally managed to see 权怡凤, she's quite pretty thou.
Here's some un clear pictures for i using my toopid camera phone when zoom is not clear.

Wanna buy DS lite but the person say no wifi.
Can someone pls confirm whether can wifi? (on wireless)
I wanna buy that so that i can wireless while working.
I wanna online.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Its 10/8.
Yesterday is national day and i gotta work thus i missed this yr
I believed this yr NDP sure is an enjoyable one.
Under the beautiful scenery, the
sea and the
sun, you definitely enjoy the parade.
First time held at the marina bay sure is an unforgettable experience for the audiences.
Maybe i shall wait for the repeated telecast then.
This yr
fireworks lasted for like 6 mins or so.
I simply missed the fireworks that was captured in my phone last yr, but it wasnt during
Its during
CNY period and i managed to drag
timo to watch it with me.
Unforgetable one thou.
Shall upload some photos i took on wed when we went for dinner.
Next to the restuarant we went its 阿一活海鲜.
their slogan: "龙虾大过小男孩"

The big fish

The big crabs

The big abalone

The guy can simply catch the lobster with bare hands

Da sao and Me (oh my face so chubby now, i shld stop saying Ah ee xia.. my retribution)

My brother and me

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Been working for 2 days. one word -
TiringI thought working at the high end boutique is very free and easy but its not.I Thought There will not much customers patronising the shop?But i'm wrong.Alot of tourists and rich people.Even there are no customers we also gotta pack the shop for its high end boutique thus gotta be neat and clean.Working in such a high end boutique makes me realise how rich people can spend w/o hesitation.
Basically for me, if a thing i wanted to purchase that is more than $40 i will think twice abt it.
But rich people aint the same.
They feel its nice, they doesnt even need to try, they just buy.
$1000 or $2000 doesnt make any difference to them.
High purchase customer are normally japanese, indonesian and some are ang mos.
How i wish i can be a rich tai tai also.
Everyday just spend husband money.lol.
It will be nice too isnt it?
=================================Just watch finished the taiwan drama 《
恶作剧之吻》on crunchyroll

The handsome guy 郑元畅 (acted as Jiang Zhi Shu) mentioned this about marriage to 林依丞 (acted as Yuan XiangQing):
when they first meet, they are just like a kettle of cold water刚认似时就像一壶冷水you passionately try to heat it up疯狂的给他加热keep heating it一直加,一直加heat it till the water boils加到水开了and then you'll ask然后你会问After that what should we do?接下来我们应该怎嬷办呢?All the way till marriage一直到结婚时Everything should be done has been done甚嬷事情该做的都做了What should be hot has already over heated
该热的也热过头了The original kettle full of water has dried up原本满满的壶水都见底啦Love is gone爱情都没了Wait till the kettle is burnt等待壶水烧干Either they break up不是烧干了分手Or struggle on until the bottom of the kettle has a hole就是硬着头皮烧破壶底Nothing is left甚嬷都没了Love is gone, kettle is gone, water is also gone爱情没了,壶也没了,水也没了Everything is gone甚嬷都没了Then when the actress said:" does this mean u doesnt love me at all?"The guy said the follow which melts my heart
Here it goes:The exact opposite正好相反I will love you more and more我会越来越爱你
Our water will be kept constantly heated我们的水就持续加温中I'll slowly wait till it boils我会慢慢的等到它水开了And then keep it warm然后再暖暖的保持它Let it always be at boiling point让它一直处于在沸腾状态Meaning is... I'll keep loving you意思就是我会越来越爱你keep loving keep loving
Keep loving till we're old and wrinkled一直爱到我们都变成老公公老婆婆
Isnt it sweet.
How nice if someone my bf said something like tat to me..
Finding a partner who will constantly protecting and maintaining the r/s with you is a nice thing that will ever happen.
Indeed marriage always takes 2 hands to clap.
If the other doesnt help to protect and maintain the sarcity of marriage, the marriage will fall.
And a marriage not only need 2 to maintain, it also needs both parties' trust and belief.
I always hope that i can walk together hand in hand with my partner when i'm old and wrinkled.
I doesnt mind abt his looks neither does he when we are both old.
Monday, August 06, 2007

really super duper action movie. Was ok with it.
I love the actions, the fightings.
Fighting are quite good, the way they move and fight.
No wonder NC 16.Actually most girls dun like actions movie but i'm quite diff.
I only like modern actions movies such as jacky chan show that use guns, fist fighting.
Sword fighting was ok to me only but timo
loves it.
Anyway this show rated 6/10.
The storyline was avg but the fighting is quite good thou.
the show i look forward to was seeing Louis Khoo.
He's really 帅 (shuai)..
Morale of story: Police always catch theives.ohya yesterday was a new combination of people watching movie.
Kelvin, Jun, Me, dennis and WJ.That's what they commented new combo.
Next show awaiting is
rush hour 3.
Tml start work.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Finally gotta myself a part time job at a boutique in town.
Shld leave it
unknown.Paywise was quite ok and acceptable just that gotta stand the whole day.
From 10am to 830pm.
At least my pocket money got hope and i can give some household income to mom and use it for my allowances to school etc.
Hopefully i can cope with it.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Staying at home nua-ing is a leisure...........
however it turned out to be a disaster when u gotta take care of a little one esp a naughty one at home.
I've become a super nanny at home.
But sometimes when the little one call u:
"gugu, mum mum" (means auntie eat)
its kinda nice thou.
He now noe what is yes, dun have, want or not.
He also know how to say
"kor kor" when he saw
timo picture on my phone screensaver.
I taught him de.lolz.
Well here's the little rascal trying on my mom slippers practically everyday.
Does kids like to wear adult's shoes?
here's a good example:

My little rascal and so many of him
ohya thanks to my middleman who sms me to get me online then i can get to talk to timo recently.Thanks to ting, jun and dennis.Yes i miss him alot.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Just finish the drama online - Dicey Business.
Nice show about gambling dens and casino.
I simply love the actor named 阿福.
So shuai, so sunny with a nice smile and good actor
His real name is Bosco Wong Chung Chak.
Here's some of his pictures in the show with a dunno-what-is-the-name actress.
But she's pretty too