Saturday, June 30, 2007
Got a mixture of feelings.Sad.
A tinge of happiness.
But still feel a little elated.Hope july doesnt come tat fast
because its time to say goodbye to my loved one and my colleagues and frens too.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
sat was a nice day for me.
Very long haven had an
enjoyable sat le
Went ktv lunch with My
TG4 and ah ee
Only me very high la.
Abit sot sot like wad
ah ee said.
Ade and
Liu ting
Me And
Swee Ee


ade singing

With ah ee trying to add ghostly

Ting and Ee(nvr open his eyes)

Ade, Ting and me

YY came in super late

Can u spot the ghost? (Mr Ee)

Can u see i'm oways kena abused by him

Sing Sing Sing

Oops i forgot to upload the TG4 pic.
Shall upload again ba..
Ohya i watch
shrek 3 already. Its nice.
I love the movie.
A nice movie with a good companyI have a nice outing too.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Finally tender my resignation letter to the boss.
Boss was abit surprise too urging me to take up part time courses instead.
But then she supported my decision and wished me the best.
Told sylvia abt it, her huh was so loud nearly make me wanna cry for i dun like the leaving kinda scene.
KP supported me as well.
They are quite a fun batch of pple despite the politics in office.
I will miss them thou and my pay as well..
I shall declare bankrupt soon.
No job = No income.
Anyone wanna sponsor/support me??
Today already 21/6.
I miss a post on 20/6
But who cares?
No longer important anyway
Friday, June 15, 2007
I got my increment FINALLY.
After so long, as least they back paid me for the last few months.
Now my pay is on par with market rate liao.
I'm so happy thou i'm still abit lugi out but then again at least my pay increase up quite alot.
This tempt me to stay longer at there but i cant.
Gotta go back to my real world soon.
Shld i be sad or happy?
In dilemma.
Oh yes, another happy thing too.He's back tml. or was it today since now is past midnite.I wanna watch
shrek 3 and
fantastic 4
Thanks to
ah val's persuasion and her missing for my blog, i realise i missed my blog too.
maybe i shall blog alittle on my things so as to let u all know i have not die yet.
Still alive kicking.lolz.
Been fighting my battle with the
fever warrior for like 6 days?
On and off.
seen doctor for
3 times, eat medicine till i'm getting sick of it.
Had 2
blood test done
feeble, legs turned wobbly.
At least now i'm better.
And i love my mom.
Thanks for taking care of the sick cat which is me.
Thanks for bringing me to the doc, waking up in the middle of the nite to check if i'm alright or not, whether fever subsided.
Thanks for reminding me to take my medicine.
I've always been a blur one.
Without u, i will be loss.
I love u mom.I will be more well behaved haha..
I wonder without my mom how would i be?
without her love and care.
all along i'm not a very independent kid, i always need person to care, shower me with love.
My future husband willneed to know how to take care of me when i'm sick.
Only the one that know to take care of me when i'm sick then will be the one i can depend on for my life. Rest of my life.
I love U mummyThanks for being there for me.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I'm sick for 5 days already.
Having fever since friday.
Today already wed.
Hope will be better tml.
Lucky its not dengue.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Today is the 3rd of June.6 mths ago, a decision was made.
6 mths later another decision but its made by me only.
Both falls on a sunday as well.
And at the same time the song was played.
I decided to temporary not to go back to my blogging world.
I will come back till the day i walked out of my shadow, till the day you are out of my mind.
Or rather i doesnt love u anymore.
This blog has always been my channel to vent my
frustration, my
unhappiness, my
I doesnt really talk much abt myself to pple.
Maybe tat's me.
Maybe only to TG4.
But i dint realise it has been causing trouble and unhappiness to pple.
This blog isnt to target anyone, it is just to vent my moods.But i dint noe that it has been a instrument to use on pple.
I dint noe that pple happiness have been made out of an expense of another's sorrows.
Maybe pple we read my blog shld noe.
I shall stop my blogging life temporary.Till the day i come back i will be fine.i hope....A song for only you and me: 感情线我想我已开始有点疑惑好像被他说中些什么难道已经没有别的选择只能乖乖的束手就策难过的是我们做了选择是对是错谁也没把握如果要我放手才能获得为何在我心中有舍不得看着你要走还装著笑容掩饰的脆弱要撑多久
我们之间不可能再回到从前我还傻傻画着幸福线看着你走远还继续装笑脸掩饰折磨我能撑多久如果现在开口怎么挽留感情这条线注定无法延长一点你已不在而我何时才清醒相信一切都是命不曾放弃你我不会说什么默默的承受像个男子汉看着你要走[看着看着你要走]还装着笑容[多么多么笑容]掩饰的脆弱要撑多久[还要撑多久]如果现在开口[现在开口]如何挽留[如何挽留]感情这条线注定只能这么远看着你要走[woo~]还装着笑容[we will carry on]掩饰的脆弱要撑多久[knowing there were words i've never said baby]如果现在开口[现在开口]如何挽留[如何挽留]感情这条线注定只能这么远[let the words remain unsaid]