Saturday, March 31, 2007
Recently have u all seen the anti-smoking advertisement?
The lady with the ulcer mouth.
Its kinda gross isnt it especially when u are eating ur dinner.
But the advertisement is really kinda effective i guess, it really attracts my attention.
But after watching a few times, i tend to find it digusting and dun dare to loOk at it again.
And the smokers, do u really wanna quit smoking when u see the ad?I bet no.
I believe the smokers themselves also know that smoking causes alot of health problems but many still continue smoking.
Initially government place the disgusting ad on the cigarette box itself now moving on the advertisement. and why?
cause many are dying of smoking and harms us, the 2nd hand smoker, too.
Frankly speaking, I simply detested those who smoke.
U are basically harming me with ur smoke.
2nd hand smoking definitely a no no for me.
People who know me well definitely know i hate smokers because i used to have asthma.
To all smokers, dun use hard to kick off this habit as an excuse.Think of the family around u, the babies and ur love one, they have all become 2nd hand smoker and of cos u are harming their health.So pls quit smoking.Ways to quit smoking: 1) Exercise, exercise makes u feel more energetic2) Have a cold shower whenever ur smoking addict comes.3) Eat the most mint sweet, helps to keep u awake too==============================
Happened to saw this interesting car while on my way home with Val.
I bet the driver is
tweety bird fan.
Look at the car

And Val insisted me taking a photo with the car just because i told her abt my childhood thingy and she feel that i loOk like tweety bird. OMG!!

And do i loOk like one??
Oh no tml gotta go for my shopping alone le.. sobs
Friday, March 30, 2007

i want to watch this Jap show, heard its touching.
Haven try watching a teary show in cinema before.
Guess no one wanna watch with me since its a touching show.
haha. Too touching.
Women are emotional creatures, and worse of all, i am the most emotional one.I'm on mc half day again.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Was on MC today again.
2 Consecutive days.
Mummy say later boss fire me. Haha.
But no voice how to go work?
My rice bowl depends on my voice xia.
Talking abt voice, today heard on
Yes 933 they are holding a DJ search on 7/4/2007.
One yr DJ contract and $2000 travel vouchers.
Tempting me to go for the 1st round interview with $10 fees.
This competition held at
PS 11am 4/7.
Still thinking abt it, whether i shld go for my dreams and passion.
But i doesnt have the courage to speak up in front of so many audiences at PS.
DJ-ing has always been my passion.
Always like to listen to FM and talking.
why do i like DJ job because everyone can hear me. Even when u are overseas.
Haiz now in dilemma, got 2 weeks for me to think abt it.
Passion, passion and passion.The Yes933 DJ search website
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Today on
MC again.
Dunno took how many days of
MC this yr.
Sore throat and no Voice.Let me count.. around 8 days? cant remember.
Haiz.. What is happening to me and my health?
I dunno.
Saw this sentence at someone's blog:
Sometimes, I wonder if there is such a thing as "happy memories". Somehow, it just eats you away slowly, aggravating that sense of longing for the past. How can memories be happy when it is potentially so devastating?
So ironic rite?
True. So what is happy memories when it constantly let me long for the past and how can it be happy when i'm not.
I'm being eaten by my "so-called" happy memories everyday while u just u..
Monday, March 26, 2007
Oh no.. Got
sore throat again.
Pray hard no fever this time.
This is the 3rd time in the yr i got sick and now only march.
What have i done?
Maybe due to my mood?
Virus easily attack me.
Today still gotta stay back for sibel training till 8pm.
I missed my bed esp when today is a rainy day.
So comfortable to snuggle under my blanket.
U sounded angry when u say "then why u still say that again?"Did i annoyed u by expressing how i feel? and what i wanna know?fine.. dun bothered.
Happy bIrthdaY to UHapPy BiRthDay to UHapPy bIrThdAy to Liu TingHapPy biRthDay to U.Ger its the 9th yr we will be celebrating ur bdae.
Find a free day we go eat k? and we go get the pressie as well.
Years come fast, now u turned 22nd liao.
Next will be my turn. We are going to make ade broke le. haha
Muacks love ya and there will be more years to come.
The day u get marry, the day ur children is born and i will be his/her god mom ar.
We will always be tgt to celebrate many birthdays, anniversary and events.
Ohya i cut my hair le. So super short.
Oh my goodness its mushroom.
Pls peepz when see me spare me with comments k?
shall wait for my hair longer.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I hate myself. I hate the shan now. What has become of me?I really dunno. I thought i understand myself well, but seems like i'm wrong.I used to tell myself when it comes to feelings and love i can take it real easy but i'm wrong.I'm not as strong as i thought i am.Trying very hard to suppress the feelings and thoughts. But all in vain.with frens and family, i suppress the feelings, i try to smile and luff and entertain them. But when i'm alone i show the true colors, i wana cry with all my might.Who can be there to lend the shoulders?Everyone been saying the same things, give up, you can have a greener pasture.But somehow i'm not able to control the feelings. Its hard to give up the addict.Love is like on drug, hard to kick off.maybe its just my one sided love.Life is like a long sleepand love is just a dream.To me you are my sweetest dream.
Moody.Anger.SadBad Mood.Call keep beeping.Can u please stop beeeeeeping...
Argh..Pek CekCAN i SCREAM?i feel like tearing the board down.Please stop asking to kill calls, pick calls.
Friday, March 23, 2007
I was asking
Val and
Jojo whether do platonic friendship exist between a guy and a girl.
Both shook their head.
There's no such thing as platonic friendship between a guy and a girl. Only 2 reasons if there is.1. is either the guy is a gay2. or the girl is not attractive enough.But i do have good guy friends too. Like Andy Ee Swee Ee, Dennis Wang, Yeo JunJyae and Ivan woo.
(did i missed out any?)But
Val last time added this sentence:
Yes, u might treat them as only good friends but do the guys do the same?To certain extent, it might sound correct.
But still, i strongly believe there is pure friendship between a guy and a girl.
Esp with Andy. Definitely is Pure friendship. We are very buddy one.
If not, then which category i belong to? 1 or 2?
Isit 2?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I have yet to reply to
his date.
Dunno what to reply.
Pray hard its not like what
Val and
Jojo had guessed.
Yesterday i dreamt that
2 pple bought new phones for me.
Different models somemore.
Oh will dream come true???Pray hard it will.
I need my sleep....
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Just happened to saw Qi's blog and read her post.Knowing that she just ended her 3 yr r/s.
Thou she's the one initiate it, but i noe she doesnt feel good at all.
its a difficult decision to made. in dilemma.
Maybe i'm in no position to advice her, but just wanna tell her to use her heart to feel how much she love him.
And happened to saw the post she blogged.
Decided to paste here to share too.
Quite nice.
oops copyright...
Take care Qi. Love ya.
她和他是青梅竹马。只不过,一直都是他小心地呵护着她。 他大她三岁。在学校时,不同年级,不同系,但他的体贴却无处不在,他并不是每天都来找她,但电话每晚临睡前却总会响起,说一些天冷了,记得加衣服、晚上别在被窝里看书的话。 所有的人都知道她有一个为她甘愿付出的男友。 她嘴里不说,心里却是得意的。他在校园里并非默默无闻之辈,长相俊朗,才气逼人,是多少女孩子暗恋的对象,这样的一个人,却独独对她用情至深。 她知道他的好,但她是父母宠坏的孩子,他就像是她父母的接力棒,父母不在身边时接着宠她,所以,她撒娇,任性,有时候蛮不讲理。 每次他们吵架,他生气走开,但最后回头的总是他。他说,丫头,我们和好吧。 她的心里涌出泪来,其实她是那么害怕失去他。 有人说,两个相爱的人之间发生了矛盾,第一个转身的就是他们感情上的天使。她想,他就是那个天使吧。 相继走出校园,他们选择了生活在一起。她是玲珑剔透的女孩子,生活的琐碎让她不胜其烦,他主动承担了大部分的家务,照顾她,一如既往地宠着她。 但她却觉得,他开始干预她的生活了。某次她下班和男同事喝酒,深夜才回去,他大为震怒,是夜睡到了另一个房间。 几天后的夜里,他主动拥住了她,说对不起。 他们的争吵不断,但每次都是他转身说对不起,虽然她觉得等待他转身的时间越来越长。 后来有一次,他们为一件小事争吵后,他走出了她的房间。 一天,两天,三天,她等待着他转身。 一个星期后,她耐不住这种等待的痛苦,决定到外地几天,她想,当她回来的时候,一切都会烟消云散了。 当她回来时,她惊惧地发现,房间里已经没有了他的痕迹。他已辞职,去了外地。 她没有想到他会采取这种决绝的方式。她知道自己是深爱着他的,那么多的争吵都是因为自己任性,不懂得珍惜。而他,不是一直包容着她,扮演着感情的天使吗?。很久以后,她把这件痛心的往事讲给朋友听,仍然不明白为什么他会突然离去。朋友听了,突然说:为什么你不转身呢? 那一刹那,她泪流满面,多么简单的一句话,可是当初为什么她没有转身呢?? 美好的爱情大抵如此,总会有无数次的转身,那个最先转身的人是他们爱情的天使。但如果每一次转身的都是同一个人,天使也会疲倦。
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Today is 19/03/2007 le......

Watched this show on sunday with
Jun and
I actually thought its break dancing show but seems like its step dancing.
It's not as nice as
Step Up i watched last yr.
Dun really kinda like all-guy dance. prefer mixture.
Cause Girl dancing is too rou (soft) while guys is more gang (manly)
So if girl-guy dance its nice. Tat's how i feel.
Thinking back of my dance club, i wanna go back my modern dancing.
Wanna learn
new jazz. is tat my type?
The actors has very expressive facial expression like what tim say.lolz..
TMNT is coming on 23022007.
I wanna watch.
My childhood cartoon.
Influence by my bro i guess.
Monday, March 19, 2007
那天刚和 ah val 说到爱情有如在等巴士和坐巴士的经验。
那你的爱情怎么样的巴士经验呢?Last week just spoken to ah val that love is just like waiting for bus and sitting in the bus experience.
Because the bus that u are waiting for might not be what u want.
The bus you want is to have an air con bus, but the one came along is not.
Thus you have to wait for the next one.
Or maybe the bus you wanted is double deck, but the next came along is single deck.
The next bus came along is air con and double deck but the journey experience isnt as pleasant.
E.g. the bus ride may be a bumpy one that cause you to have bus sick and feels like vomitting and the you might decide to get down and wait for the next one.
But some might decide to tolerate the bumpy-ness and sit throughout till you reach your destination.
Or maybe the bus ride is so slow, it makes u feel uncomfortable, wondering when could you reach your destination.
Some bus journey can be a pleasant one but there might be things happening that makes the bus ride unforgettable.
E.g. During the bus ride, you might see roaches or even some weird weird person that makes it so unforgettable.
And of course some bus ride can be a smooth one and brings u to the destination you want.
love is also the same.
let you feel, uncomfortable or happy.
So what's your bus ride is like?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
i dreamt of you last nite.
Was it a nitemare or a sweet dream.
I cant remember at all.
Friday, March 16, 2007
happy today.
Happy girl wore pink when happy.
Happy girl is on half day off today going to SIM for registration for Business.
Happy girl yesterday night talking to the guy she love.
Happy girl chatted over the msn with him for 2 hours plus.
Happy girl love chatting with him over msn, no quarrels at all just like before.
Happy girl feel abit lighter now because at least she let him know how she felt.
Happy girl felt happy for him at least now going for overseas study is much easier for him.
No relationship burden he needs to consider when overseas.
Happy girl is trying to digest what he meant by i doesnt understand his meaning. DUh...
Digested and analyse that he place studies as top priority, and i am too.
i also doesn't want to be a burden to his decision.Loving him is seeing him soar in the sky.At least now
happy girl know abit what she wants.
Love shall be place in my heart.A motivation, a strength.
Happy Girl attained nirvana.
People might think
happy ger is just being silly or stupid.
But she just follows her heart that is to love him and love him thou
happy girl knows that he wont go single for very long unlike what he said.
Happy girl now knows the person she truly love is him.
This doesnt change at all.
Never all at.
happy girl is just being stubborn.
Maybe when the fate comes, things might change,
happy girl might change to improve the relationship.
Happy girl going for hair cut in April... yeah
And shall not let him luff at
happy girl.
为何看来不那么蓝相爱到了解的默契怎能说忘记就忘记我想我已经习惯你p/s: i love u
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Argh today got 2 training sessions and 1 meeting after my working hours.
can all be ended by 8pm? I doubt so.
I want to go home and see
Getting pissed of, bad mood.
I shall bite..
I'm suffering from
Missing people syndrome cum
mixed feeling syndrome cum
continous bad mood syndrome.
Can i be cured?
Doubt So.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Going to have
darker eye-rings soon at the rate of insonmia i'm getting.
I wanna find my piece of land in my heart to hide the memories.
Liuting ask me even if i know the answer to the qn, wont i be more hurt?
And does it help?
Maybe that's just me.I thought i can be so cool about it, but apparently, i'm wrong.
So wrong about myself.
Misjudge the way i'm, i thought i'm independent, cool about r/s.
Why am i so wrong about myself?
Totally wrong.
Perhaps that's what my heart really wants
The more i want to avoid the more i dunno how to handle it.
I'm having
headache now. a real bad one.
My head is so heavy...
Today on my way to office, this song accompanied me.
Listening to this again and again.
I truly felt what it meant.
This is really what i felt.
Lyrics expressed itself.Joseph ask me the meaning of the song, so in the end i ask val to translate it for me since her english and chinese is good. So she did a good job.
Love u ger. muacks.
断点静静地陪你走了好远好远Silently accompanying you for a distance
连眼睛红了都没有发现Didn’t even realise even when the eyes are red
Listening to you on your new change
Looking at your smiling face is still my true love
The same old route has not changed
以往的每次路过都是晴天It has always been a sunny day everytime we passed
想起我们有过的从前Reminiscing the past memories that we shared
泪水就一点一点开始蔓延Tears just started to drop
I turned my face
So that you won’t see
The unsaid, unspoken is getting obvious
Today has passed
We shall not see each other again
我害怕每天醒来想你好几遍I fear that everyday when I wake up, I will start to think of you again and again
I kissed your face
Your hands were on my shoulders
I missed the feeling that was so sweet
Everytime I close my eyes
I can always see
失信的诺言The broken promise
Will all come true
你已经不在我的身边 You are no longer by my side
我还是祝福你过得好一点But I still want to wish you well
The broken love
I don’t want a full stop
All I want to hear before I sleep
Is just your sweet little words
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
My very 1st movie trip with Jo and Val is watching "
happily N'ver after"
Its a cartoon. Expected story ending.
Its a 3D cartoon but i dun like 3D, i prefer 2D.
Haha.. pple moving forward to 3D while i still stay put.
Went to IT fair twice during the weekends.
Gotta squeeze twice, super crowded place with super kiasu pple.
Managed to get my thumbdrive on the 2nd trip.
And i did an evil thing to my fren, better not say it here.
Gotta redeem my sin by praying..lolz..
Ting know what i've done la..lolz.. oops...
I'm confused..depressed..bad mood..I want to know the answers but i did not shoot any questions.Its Getting further and further.. but i do missed the talks in trains on the way back.i dun ask for anything, maybe just be like a little sister to u.That's enuff.Val scolded me why am i still on the very same spot when pple already walk off moving on.i missed...i loved...i hated...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I'm on
sat duty again.
Gotta work today but was glad that Jojo and Val working with me.
Jojo gave me this webbie, i can see all my shows here and managed to see my last episode of Angels of Mission.
Check this outMy sat duty was spent by watching online dramas and viewing
Chun's blog (
wu zhun).
Wu zhun will always write some meaningful quote after he finish his blog.
I love a few of them:
別人的鼓勵是我們靈魂的氧氣Encouragement is the oxygen to our soul!一直停留在不愉快的回憶裡是沒有用的,所以現在就覺悟吧,因為只有你自己可選擇你要有一個傷心,還是開心的人生。我要你快樂,我也相信你可以做到的!It’s pointless to keep thinking of the sad memories. Let bygones be bygones… so STOP THINKING OF IT because it’s only you who choose whether you want a happy or sad life. I want you to be happy and I know you can achieve that!如果你不珍惜現在你所擁有的,你有天一定會後悔,因為過去的時光永遠不會回來!If you don’t treasure what you have now, you will regret when it’s gone because time will never turn back!A quote from
Michael Jordon:
成功不是你所能強求的。它是一種常常向前努力的態度。然後在你不是那麼強求的時候,它可能就會在你手中。Success isn’t something you chase. Its something you have put forth the effort for constantly. Then, maybe it’ll come when you least expect it.My quote for my rest of my life:
I could not ask for anything else but I will pray for ur happiness.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Today is
thursday. Sat got duty need to work.
I enjoyed yesterday dinner with
YY and
swee ee.
Its nice to have a talk and dinner. Dinner is great and nice.
Swee Ee is forever talkative and entertaining as well.
Yesterday nite got
2 rare thing happened to me.
One of them is a guy whom i admire for
3½ yrs, he came msn me.
For the very 1st time in my life he automatic msn me.
He ask me whether i'm ok ornot seeing my nick on MSN.
For the very 1st time we chatted so much since secondary sch days.
More than 10 lines.lolz.
Must really buy 4D sure strike.
The second rare thing is i talk on the phone with my Shifu
Junjyae for 1 hr plus till almost 1am.
Haven try talking to him for so late.
Kena my dad naggings cause i talk too loudly on my phone in my room.
So tat's my 2 rare cases, and i shld buy 4D this sat sure win.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Today is a bad day for me.
Too many calls, too many impatient customers.
Too many customer did not rcv their company statements.
It make a bad day for me.
One of the uncle even scolded me
-_-!!!~He demanded me to send him statements by today.
Of course i cant promised. He ask me to fax over to him, which i cant do tat as well.
So he say:
" aiyo how u work de? better go home la!"I tried to explain and he demanded to speak to manager.
Tried to assist and in the end he say:
"you dunno how to listen isit? i wanna speak to UR manager!"When i wanna verify customer the address, he simply say
:"u really dunno ur work, dun work!"And he hung up.
Haiz, what to do i gotta bear with it.
I'm a GOOD customer service officer.
I did it out of good will, i print out the statement and get the admin send out urgently today.
Jo and
Val are not here again.
Lucky i ask
ah ee for lunch appointment else i will be bored to death.
Ah ee commented my face slim down, better looking.lolz.
But there are pros and cons and he say i'm not as
radiant looking anymore.
Lucky not another one to comment that i look haggard. Lolz.
Haggard: Appearing worn and exhausted; gaunt.Does it apply to me?
Maybe Yes..lolz.. i'm
tired and
Ohya happy birthday to a very long long friend Astee.Cheers to our 16 yrs frenship.Since kindergarden.. whooo hooo..."happy memories are for keep.. but it oways reminds me of things and people. why do i missed?"
I simply found it meaningful....If a girl cries in front of you,
it means that she couldn't take it anymore.If you take her hand,
she would stay with you for the rest of your life;If you let her go,
she couldn't go back to being herself anymore.A girl wont cry easily,
Except in front of the person
who she love the most,
she becomes
A girl wont cry easily,
only when she
loves you the most,
she put down her ego.
Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you
please hold her hands firmly,
she's the one who would staywith you for the rest of your life.Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you,
please dont give her up,
maybe bcoz of your decision,
you ruin her life.When she cry rite in front of you,
When she cry bcoz of you,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's feeling?Think.
Which other girl have cried
wif pure sincerity,
Infront of you,
And bcoz of you?
She cry not because she is weak,
She cry not bcoz she wan sympathy or pity,
She cry,
Because crying silently is no longer possible,the pain,hurt,n agony have become too big a burden to be kept inside.Guys,Think about it,
If a girl cry her heart out 2 you,
And all because of you,
Its time to look back on wat u have done,
Only you will know the answer to it.
Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may be too late for regrets,
It may be too late to say "
im sorry".
Ponder this message seriously.
Dont do dis to a girl,
You may regret for the rest of your life.
Maybe in your life,she's the only one that love YOU the most.
Val and
Jojo on MC today.
I'm all alone in office. Sobs.
Got to lunch alone by myself.
I hate the feeling of
A feeling of being
I hate the feeling of being hated as well.
I dun like pple to
dislike me. Dun like the feeling of being
hated and
left alone.
Still remember during
sec 2, pple in dance club dun like me because they dun like my gf
Ms Ade so in turn dun like me. I really dunno why. They will ignore me.
Everytime when i volunteer myself to accompany them to go somewhere they will end up not going there.
haha.. Sounds abit childish come to think of it.
But when we ended up the same class during
sec 3 and
4, they get to know us and ade. We become very close friends and of course know that i'm a very nice person, easy to get along with. *grinz*
Glad that we become close friends because w/o them, my life in dance club wont be as fun. Having Fun dancing, eating, teasing each other. Really missed them and my dancing life.
I wanna go back to my fun days, can i?
Seems like no turning back.
Jun tat time ask me why i cant go back to the same usual old me, the happy-go-lucky me.
I answered because when one is older, one has more responsibilities and one tend to grow up and know more things and understand more things.
How can i still go back to the ignorant, happy-go-lucky me?
I need a shoulder to lie on. So tired. Where's my energy went to?
==================================*FYI*Singapore News Tremors felt around Singapore,
some buildings evacuated
Posted: 06 March 2007 1214 hrs
Singapore's Meteorological Services Division says an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale struck Padang, Indonesia at about 11.50am.
The epicentre is 50 kilometres north-northeast of Padang, on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia AND some 430 kilometres south-west of Singapore
Tremors were also felt in many parts of Singapore.
Anybody felt the tremours?
Raffles place here was affected too. My colleagues felt the lights moving and floor shaking too.
Lucky i wasnt ard, i went to da bao food.
Came back alot of OCBC staff were downstairs. At that moment i thought that so many pple going for lunch? haha...
Lucky only slight tremours felt. Not earthquake at Singapore.
==================================Ohya did this Fruit bdae test. Mine is Watermelon. My favourite food somemore.
And its very accurate.
性格:獨立 /
Monday, March 05, 2007
Shall upload this cute handsome boy, and he seemed like he enjoying it.
Seems like doing yoga.

and this

Sunday, March 04, 2007
My whole week simply stay at home and Recuperate.
Been sick for almost a week, but at least i've recovered.
For a week i did not pick any calls cause last 4 days and friday and sat went to fort canning for soft skills training.
Lucky we managed to go to the same training dates else valerie will be alone w/o us.
Interesting course which will improve my soft skills to be more 'expressive'.
My calls been selected to discuss about the strength and areas to improve.
Well strength is warm and friendly, willing to help, efficient, providing alternatives.
Area to improve is do not interrupt customer.
Alright got to admit i did rush customer or rather interrupt her but perhaps cause i wanna finish tat call
Anyway the 2 day course is good furthermore with free buffet lunches and 3 tea breaks provided. And the waiter Uncle Kian Seng is super attentive, never seen such attentive waiter before. Take initiative to serve us, offer us drink when we need.
Good, shall deserve a compliment from all of us.
Took some pictures cause really feel very bo liew..
My table of things

We went to The Legends

Me and Joanna

Me and valerie

Jo and val

Us, my best sisters at work

My cup of green tea

Ah val is deeply engrossed in drinking her herbal soup

This is something weird. Standing outside the hot weather and wearing thick jackets. We must be crazy

3 acting cute

when everybody ignored me i shall

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Today i'm back to work.
On medical leave for 2 days. Fever come and go
39 degrees to
37 degrees and back to
39 degrees again.
It been like tat for 3 days. Up and down for 3 days.
During these 3 days, i'm like sort of concussed.
Sleeping and sleeping.
Lots of flashbacks keep playing in my head.
Its only me and him. Lots of scene of me and him keep playing in my mind.
Alot of u and me here and every where, little little bits of pieces. Every memory all flashing back in my mind.
Everything seems like a dream not very real to me.
Perhaps it really isnt real, not even a chapter of my story.
Thus that's why i did the silliest thing, i sms him.
Thou i know that he will not reply me but still i wanna give it a try.
I thought i know him well, but i'm wrong or maybe i'm not wrong.
Cause all along he is like tat, when he doesnt like, he will not think about it and doesnt care.
He's always a heck care person.
101 excuses.
Ade sms me to tell me take care and said that these period i always been falling sick. It could be my emotions and diet.
Perhaps ba, i've never really been happy and diet is still ok but ade say i'm malnutrition.
Maybe i might seem happy but am i? I myself also dunno.
Ohya i love my
dad and
They have been there for me during my sick days.
My dad normally bo chup me but during these days he put the cold towel to help me bring down my temperature.
My dad and mom still the best, they will be there whenever i need them.
Ohya thanks to
ivan too.
Been nice to me during my sick days.
Keep asking me to give him a call if need, knowing that i got high fever and was home alone.
Sms-ing me asking whether i'm ok ornot.
Thanks, thou we only chat via internet but still u treat me as a good fren.
Thanks for the care and concern.
I'm taking half day, i cant take it anymore.
And my eyes is hurting.