Monday, February 26, 2007
I'm sick again.
This time fever abit more serious with 39 degrees.
And tat gone my sunday gathering @ WJ hse.
I wanna go but then got fever.
Fever never subside after Jun left SK to get the cake from me.
It gone worse.
Maybe that's heaven will. Fated liao.
2 months since last saw him.
if i get to see him again, i dunno what to say, what to do.
Beginning to be not myself when i see him again.
I dunno what to do.
Perhaps i'm like what HP say stupid.
The guy heart is not there anymore why still bother abt it.
But sometimes just cant help it and miss ya.
Only depending on the fotos in my fone.
I'm just weak, disappointed and tired.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
It has been sometime since i last catch a movie.
Erm Last month. Haha.
The Last Dance by Daniel Wu and it simply sux. Or rather i dun understand the storyline.
I wanna catch
Andy Lau Movie :
Fann Wong Local Movie:
Just Follow Law
But seems like nobody is free to watch with me.
Is either too busy with assignment or busy dating or some dun wanna watch the movie i wanna watch.
*boOo HooO*Anyway why i wanna watch these 2 shows is because of the actor and actress.
In protege got
Andy Lau and Jus Follow Law got
Fann Wong.
With handsome and pretty in the show, sure attracts me. Lol..
Always like to watch
Andy lau Show, will never missed it.
My last recent
Andy Lau show was
Battle of Wits that i watched with
The show simply rox. Its about war which i thought i will fell asleep while watching but i did not, i simply enjoy this show. Never know that
fighting and
strategy can let me enjoy this show so much.
I wanna watch these 2 movie. Any1?
Friday, February 23, 2007
I'm back to work today le. *BoOo hoOoo*
Was on leave yesterday.
I truly missed my holidays.
I missed my sleep, my bed and my TV.
Nevertheless, i managed to find some pics.
Here's something to brighten up the
gurl's day.
Shall upload his photo
Anyway he's another typical Libran other than my
Louis Koo.
How come all LIBRAN all so shuai?
Next time BF must find a LIBRAN.
*grinz*Erm Ah Ee also LIBRAN leh.. but he's one of the rare cases..lols.. opps..
*evil Grinz*
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Time to upload some photos while my house PC still working.
Lucky me i managed to
Online today. Phew.
But not much luck, now already
1am and only left me and
tata still online talking to each other..lolz..
Ohya this new year at least managed to take some photos of my cutest guy,
My daddy and Jaylen
Me and Jaylen

Mummy and Jaylen with the
dunno-look-where look
Sis-in-law and Jaylen again dunno look where
Brother and Jaylen
something with my brother eyes?
Taking a close up
He doesnt let me take fotos of him..or was it he doesnt wanna take foto with me?
My family and my dad dunno go where
Nicely dressed up ready to go
bai nian
Ohya almost forgotten about my gurls
love u all, haiz this year again
YY not ard with us. Next yr then. Btw gers pls stop ur match-making of me and
YT.. haha he doesnt suit me..lolz

Alright shall end my day with the
sweetest and
naughtiest Boy i love

Monday, February 19, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year to all.
May you all blessed with
good health,
good fortune..
And of course get more ang baos..
This year new year is visiting again.
Or rather relative gathering..
Always love new yr not because of ang baos, of cos ang baos is additional thing added.
However its always nice to meet up with relatives and friends. Getting to know and see how each other changes in a yr.
A sad thing is that i doesn't have cousins or nephews or niece of my age..
Always wanna to have kinda a gers talk or wad so ever.
But too bad all my cousins are older than me and nephews and niece are younger than me..
But nevertheless an extra income.lolz.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Erm the previous blog was not to say that i'm still brooding over the r/s.
Just commented my views because has read val blog..
I nvr brood abt it le.. cause i'm feeling tired.
Physically, mentally.
Tired of chasing.
really tired.
Was on
leave yesterday. Slacking at home.
Oh man when will my flu fully recover?
Really feel so sick of my flu..
*ah Chooooo~*Just saw
valerie's blog about this question:
Will you still continue to love someone when he/she no longer loves you or even have another new partner?Its always very hard to put the feelings down isnt it?
It isnt
stupidity its just
If love can simply be put down it isnt
love anymore.
Thus if it can be put down so easily does it mean that during the r/s the person has nvr really loved the partner deeply.
To me
Yes indeed.
And of course there is definitely
healing period. And indeed it take time.
Just like pple always say time can cure the wound but the wound can never be fully cured because it will leave a scar.
The scar will be the memories the person left behind.
Just like Ivan told me: Even thou the r/s has ended, but 10 yrs down the road the memories will still be there.
"Even the winds of separation has blew us apart, but the trails of memories u left, still lies deeply within my heart."Yes, ultimately its the person who make the choice.
Be it
Good or
bad it will be his/her choice.
Most importantly do not regret on the decision made.
I totally agree with HW too:
Two parties must at least try to work the things out first.
if you never try, you never know whether it can be workable.
At least there is no regrets as already tried the best.One shldnt have any regrets in life.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Valentine's day!
Today is
valentine's day. Another day again. Bleh..
For those who already found the one, may u two be more loving.
For those who are still
singles, may the right one appear for u.
For my
loved one, may u stay happy and blessed.
bet today the queue @
ROM sure is super long again.
How romantic to marry, say i do on V day.
Easy to remember.lolz.
Finally did my
appraisal. Now then i know that even the slightest question ask, or even something minor ask the boss will also know. How scary.
Why does she need to bother what i ask about my own things?
I need to take a breathe. I need to get out.
Help me.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Why am i so
grouchy today.
Feeling super
grouchy and want to scold customer but lucky i dint..lolz
Perhaps i woke up at the wrong side of my bed, today everything doesnt seem to work smoothly for me.
sleepy, unable to concentrate well on what my customer is talking about.
Perhaps of the
dream i had last night that's why wasnt sleeping much.
Poor mummy gotta take care of the sick small baby Jaylen and the big baby Me..
I love mummyp/s: super bad mood cum grouchy. Pls dun come irritate me, else i bite and kick.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
For quite a while i thought my tears dried up already.
But the show
Turn Right Turn Left trigger my tears again.
This is the 2nd time i see this show.
But this time round it seemed more touching.
Destiny has been the one manipulating everything.
I simply teared when i saw both of them listening to the telephone machine and Gigi Leong said that even gotta wait for another
13 yrs to see him, she's happy too. At least can see him.
And the moment the both of them saw each other and hugged, i cant help
Seeing this scene, i really hope to give him a biggest hug too..
*dream*Torrent of
tears racing through my eyes when i thought the day the
ben's and Jerry ice cream delivered to my house.
Most memorable one.
Simply Cried myself to sleep.
1st time after so long again. It just came back.
destiny just like to play around with us.
Last sat
WJ still told me not to think of that he's giving excuse.
Frankly speaking, i never think that its an excuse, just feel that everything is not real. Fake.
It seemed near and real but now everything seemed abit far and fake.
Just like the photos and the smses i took out to take a look.
Perhaps at that point its real.
Got Once my fren ask me why my blog always like so sad?
Because by blogging is the only way i can vent my frustration out.
I doesnt wanna tell my frens abt it, even the close ones.
Because i do not want to be a want to be a weakling in front of them.
I still want to be strong and does not want them to say
"hey be like
him, put it down and get it over fast. "
But in fact i'm not as strong as i thought i will be.
"Life is full of concidences. Even two Parallel lines might meet each other someday."
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I'm sick on
MC again yesterday.
Throat getting worse and fever.
New year coming and i'm sick..
Jaylen is sick too with fever and tend to make alot of noises.
Super Noisy.
We are sick cats..
I realise when a person is sick, she will tend to think alot.
Same for me. I tend to think of... and miss...
A person is sick, is more vulnerable.
Starting to miss
hate myself for missing
him, when
he doesnt even bothered about me le..
hate myself for getting worked up for the things that
he dint do..
hate myself for still thinking about
him and the things we done before...
Shan pls wake up..He doesnt bother about u le..
Dun have to care about it le..
But heart and mind not listening to me..
Friday, February 09, 2007
Val is sick again today.
Pls take good care of ur ear and ur fever la..
I'm also falling sick again..Super cold here in office.. and my eyes are super
teary and
*sense something no good*Throat also very
I also wanna noe the answer that
adeline wanna ask.
The answer is unknown...
Anyway even noe le is there any use?
When a person change, its really very scary..
When he/she wanna turn heartless its very fast. Its just a day.
Sometimes i also dunno.. Perhaps tat's him.. haha
So ade if u wanna ask then go ahead, i bet that person wont answer u..haha
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Was on
MC yesterday.
Actually i recovered but still need some rest thus decided to take MC for
But who knows today my sore throat
worsen, i shld have take another day of MC xia.
Had a bad sore throat and still need to answer so many calls..
Oh man its killing me slowly.
*pain Super pain*Have to speak to customer in really
soft voice..
Shld have listen to DR.
Kenny take 2 days MC instead.. haha
toopid kenny curse me.. ask me take 2 days MC to accompany u rite..
Ohya Finally someone noticed my color contact lens. While waitin for my printout,
douglas noticed my color contact lens. So touched.. lolz..
Seldom got guys so attentive xia..lolz..
Anyway i found my oldest or rather the very 1st
spectacles in my life while i'm doing my cleaning up.
Here how's it looks like

Or biang rite?
the very 1st spectacles when i was in primary 2.
Looks cute rite? Super big one with striking
Cool xia..
And if i wear it out, sure look super nerdy..lolz
Sunday, February 04, 2007
现在我的风筝的线以经断了,我是不是也该放手不要再追那个风筝了吗?风筝以经飞得好远好远, 我也试着一直追想要追回那个风筝。不过风筝却越飞越高越开心。
那我是不是该停下脚步不要再追了, 因为风筝是不会再飞回来了。它要去找寻它的自由。
远距的牵挂我还在想他, 现在好想他。
我是应该头也不回的走掉吧, 也知道伤心不能改变什么,应该祝福它。
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Shall not think anymore..
its like an endless pit..
trying hard to hynotise myself..
but the hynotising doesnt work well..
I really dunno
Sometimes I feel like i dunno
thou we know each other quite some time, been on close terms..
I used to hope u will stay and tgt we go study.. but u told me not staying..thus we go on a separate path..Now u are staying, i feel like a silly goose..I know things are always subdue to changes and factors
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Alright its
my fault!
My fault for not looking aft u carefully.
Pray hard u will be alright..Hope the bump will slowly become smaller abit..
Already gotta alot of scoldings liao pls dun scold me anymore..
Ok its my fault..
Guess this week isnt my day.
Today customer is making so pek cek..
Angry angry..Alot of follow up to do..
SAVE ME!!!!lastly shld i add here out of sight out of mind??
I think i'm going to fall sick soon.
frustrated today.
Listen to too many calls, feel
Vision is
Hands are
Think i better go to optometric shop to test my eyesight again.
Oh no.. I dun wan.. *scream*
I need a rest, lend me ur shoulder.
Oh no i nvr hit my calls target of 90 calls today.. only managed to hit 80+..