Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I did not mentioned about my new
Ok have to admit it look abit
Kuku la but
cute wad..
Jojo and
ahmaine commented it look like.....
I doesnt wishes to post their comments here.
At least Rachel got heart say it looked
Ohya thanks
Ah val for the doggie massager (isit call massager?)
Thanks for having the heart to buy that for me as my shoulder is really aching..lolz..
How bout buying a maid for me to use that thingy for a massage?
Finally now can have a breathing space, just now all the Senior officers all went for meeting and left the poor me and a few officers taking calls.
Its like 8 calls in queue and
hello how many ears i have???
Think my
vision is getting worse. My eyes tend to be watery and it get a blur vision occasionally.
Guess i must be seeing the PC too much.. need to let my eyes rest for a while.
Need something
greenery to soothe my eyes. Pray hard my vision wont get worse.
My eyes degree already 500+ and if it
increase mum gonna kill me..
Recently heard the taiwan actress
Hsu Wei Luan died in car accident.
Pronounce dead on 28/1.
She's only 28, and is a pretty babe. wad a pity.
Here's a picture of the pretty Babe

For More of Hsu Wei Lun go to:
Hsu Wei Lun WebsiteFor more news:
Monday, January 29, 2007
Weekend comes fast and goes fast.
Monday again.
Glad i went out to have dinner with
Ting and
Jun ytd @ Vivo.
3rd time i went there.
The place where i shed the most
Sat stay at home and tidy ONE drawer.
And look what i've found.

It wrote
YIO CHU KANG SECONDARY SCHOOLBEST CLASS 2001Those were the days.. haha..
Ohya my previous post say i will post the pictures of my keyboard and here goes:

Cute Aye?
Ohya was flipping thru my
photos while cleaning up, i saw the fav foto again.
Its really very nice thou
2 of us doesnt look so good in the pic.
But i still simply
love this foto and i simply
missed it.
Smile when i see this..
Silly shan...
p/s: i hate it when u always dunno how to answer me!!!!!Maybe its not dunno its just u cant be bothered or trying to run away.Coward!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I simply love this song when i heard carrie (the superstar 2) sang this last week.Simply love the lyrics. Simply understand them..hahavery nice..离不开他音乐嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒
试着忘了要试着忘了他 我离不开他
也留不住他 心像空荡大厅
我离不开他 风留不住沙
我留不住他 耶噢耶
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I wish... But the wish will nvr come true
I want... But i cant pluck out the courage to do it
I dream... But its only a dream nvr a reality
I love... But the love is nvr reciprocate
I hate... But i cant bring myself to do so
What will my fate be?Shall wait and see..
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
three emotions have been my best fren since then.
Recently worse.Moody.Easily agitated.
Never been really happy since then.
What's happening to me?
happy-go-lucky shan has disappeared.
Who am i actually?
Where am i?
I dunno.
****missing accumulates. why do i keep missing u? argh****
Shoulders are really aching.
I need a massage. Anyone can give me a massage? heez..
I missed my massage..lolz...Oh ya i just bought my
hair straightener.
Pocket got a
small hole liao. Nvm shall save up next month
(thou i every month say the same sentence)I got so many needs and wants.
Guess human are nvr satisfy..lolz..
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Today got a weird customer, he said that my voice is sweet.. Hoho..
Must be a weird uncle..
The very 1st time he said:"
Oh your voice is so sweet"
The 2nd time in the conversation he stressed again: "
You really have a sweet voice!"
Then after i tell him my name, he say: "
Wah such a sexy name!"i was like
-_____-!!!~When i call back to this customer to clarify his queries, he say: "
so i wont be hearing from you?"
i was like
double -_____-!!!~Nevertheless, its a compliment too..lolz..
Ohya i paste my
keyboard stickers on my keyboard le.
Ade and Liuting shld noe which one... Lol.. Cute xia..
Shall upload the pics soon..haha
I need more
money!!!CNY is coming and i'm really lack of money to spend, to give household..haha..
How? Must work hard to save up then..lolz..
Can i get a sugar daddy??lolz..
ohya talking abt
sugar daddy, sat went out with Ade they all, was really shocked to hear that my junior is someone mistress.. oh man... or rather the man is on the verge of divorcing.
The guy is so old and my junior is like 21? duh....
Can be his uncle liao la.. wah piangz...
For me my bf can only older by
5 yrs, that's the max liao, else its like having an older brother..
And my junior is now an
air stewardess. High class waitress like what liuting and ade mentioned.lolz.. Interesting description. But the allowances attracts me..lolz..
But i dunno how to swim so cannot be an air stewardess..lolz..
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday again.
I'm actually suppose to tidy up my drawers and clear my stuff and watch my Goong VCD.
However i only did one of my drawers out of 4 drawers. Lolz.
Lazy Shan.
But lazy shan still did some work.
I've done some DIY.
Facial treatment cum
hair treatment cum
manicure DIY.DO-IT-MYSELF!! *proud to declared*Here's my own
Anyway i did the 1st drawers which contains all my letters fr
Kindergarden fren,
primary sch mates,
sec sch mates,
JC schmates and some fr
Poly and
Its tonnes of letters. So i tidied up but still it doesnt make any difference because the piles of letters are still the same, i did not throw any away. So no matter how hard i try to tidy up the mess is still the same. Just abit NEATER.
See the
before and
after effect.

Anyway while i flip through the letters, i saw one letter from Ms
Liu Ting.
It makes me reminisce the past. I remembered i wrote a letter to her during sec3 telling her how unhappy i'm with her.
Thus she replied back. This strengthen our frenship.
So TG4 still stands. As strong as a steel. And also saw the
2 cards that was given by
1 is the
V day card, the very 1st time i rcv V day card in my life.
Somemore its
DIY by himself, kinda nice with nice wordings too.
And the next one is my very first
21st Bdae card that is given by him.
Somemore its hand written, a Long paragraph of words written by him.
It make me think back of the past. Still feel the happiness.
But Now have been a past tense isnt it? But still i love these 2 cards, i will treasure these 2 precious of mine.

End the day with this pic, val took the foto of me last week

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Oh so fast
20th jan le..
20 is the date i always remember. haha..
but nvm la useless liao..===================================
anyway ytd i was talking to my mom on
marriage and
to put things simpler, we concluded guys are
cheapo and
Things are always different
before and
after marriage.
It will nvr be the same.i told my mom if i really found that guy(
provided that i can find) i also wont put myself in the shoes for early marriage.
It took away my freedom. haha..i still wanna be my mom's most pampered kid in the house.
*grinz*Actually I used to believing in early marriage, finding my 1st bf and the last in my lifetimeBut reality proven my
belief is wrong. So wrong.
Now still got how many cases that guys/girls are still a virgin?
and how many of them actually ended up with the
one and only one u started with when u are young?
i bet some of u must be counting now how many gfs/bfs u had before.
Perhaps countless?
Anyway like what i mentioned earlier abt marriage
marriage is always very diff from dating.
Guys will tend to be more
nice and
tolerant during dating days.
But the after-marriage effect is really different. So Scary... (seen too many cases)
How come guys can change so fast?
haha.. perhaps its the situation that changes their
personality as well?
or maybe during dating its all along a
Perhaps i'm been
pessimistic but seen too many cases already else why on earth that the divorce rate
Alright maybe there are also many
happily ever after cases as well but how many are there?
Do u still see old granny and old grandpa holding hands when they walk?
Its very nice warm hearted scene to see that rite?
When old liao still holding the other party hands, doesnt mind his/her rough hands willing to walk tgt to the end.
Sound sweet aint it?Guess i'm getting abit out of point thou..lolz..
oh well..
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Got back lunch with
Jo and
Audrey for your words of wisdom.
Appreciated man!Thanks
Jo and
Audrey la..
I know u all are being nice to me.
Thanks sis.
Wo yi kan Kai le but then sometimes missing is unpreventable.. (got such word?)
Yesterday had a sistaz gathering to treat Ms Sen and Ms Ting bdae.
Thou its a small dinner but the food is nice, its better than crystal kitchen.
We went to Marina Square de Dian Xiao'Er.
Its my 1st time patronise that shop thou everytime get to pass by it. Not bad next time can bring my dearest family go there makan..
Anyway really enjoyed dinner with sistaz. Its always a great fun going out with them. With them joking, talking abt life and future. Esp with sen and her exaggerating description of pple..lolz. Shall meet up again to chat..
I always wondering why we doesnt have a gurls nite out like sleeping over at someone's place or renting a chalet just for the gers..
It will definitely be fun. I always do that with my TG4.
Perhaps sistaz doesnt like the idea. haha..
hmm.. why do i miss him so much yesterday? haiz.. Thinking abt whether he out of camp going Clubbing? thinking of him whether will still miss me? Anyway i noe he wont, cos now he got more freedom.. at least now he can go club freely w/o worrying that i will care.. why isit that i always miss him?
Friday, January 19, 2007
ShiPin send me the lyrics yesterday and ask me read it.
Truly, indeed stated how exactly i'm now.
Thanks Shi Pin.
Anyway somehow i miss U again. haha
truly miss the good old days.. *sigh*
suddenly miss the poly days, miss the attachment days when we go to office tgt and when i waited for him to end his work @ lavendar mrt, miss the days he send me back home suaning me abt xiao qiang, miss the sentosa trip, miss the cinema seats that he sat beside me, miss the days when he went KTV with my TG4, miss the days when we chat on the fone for quite long..
How come i miss so many things?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Guess yesterday nite is the only nite i had the sweetest
dream ever.
dream is sooooooo sweet that i doesnt wanna wake up when my phone alarm ring.
But still relunctantly gotta wake myself up. *sigh*
Anyway why the
dream is the sweetest i ever had cause i dreamt of
U.. haha
Ok la abit bo liew rite?
but really leh, the sweetest
dream ever after our
r/s end on 3/12...
Hasnt had a nice and sweet dream for very long time le..
Can i just live in my dream and not waking up?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
William SIM thanks for chatting with me in office via email ar.
Be so sacarstic and yet nice & caring towards my relationship.
Putting some salt on my wound.Thanks alot.
So sacastic xia..
Shall copy his sacastic cum haolian cum contradicting
Sacastic statement 1:U wait for him until NS over then he jus left u… tis kinda good meh. Hee
(adding oil to a fire)Sacastic cum hao lian statement 2:During NS time u will feel ur gf is the best but after that, u will find ways to get rid. Dunno why most guy is like tat. Think my gf is quite lucky.. hee
Contradicting statement 1:sometimes when u encounter some bad times, a guy will suddenly pop up and sweet talk… Dun trust tis kinda ppl ok, But if no one pop up to sweet talk, means ur mei li not good also.. :P
William's r/s is flying to another higher stage, getting engaged in 1 yr time.
He and his gf together for 7 years. Tat's how long it is.
Since poly years, army days, working life....
Every stage they shared together.. How nice..
Monday, January 15, 2007
I will let fate decide my destiny..
hope is dead because of the sentence
he ask.
He showed me
determination in his decision and no room for
negotiation,No matter how hard i try or ask.
He showed me how
love can be easily given up/forgotten.
He let me know what is
disappointment in
love that i believed.
Nevertheless i will still leave my
heart and
love for
himDun tell me i'm stupid or asking me to stop dreaming abt
I did stop dreaming for
him but will not
stop caring for
I will be still willing to share
his happiness and
his happiness/
sorrows will be mine too.
And that will be Me.
This is a quote which
Ivan think out of..
Ivan, is sen fren, suddenly added me in frenster and msn so we started to talk.
Anyway he came out with this nice sentence...
It needs two hearts to share a destiny; and only one to change its fate © by ivanPerhaps cause he also just fallen out of love so he came out with this sentence..
Originality by IVAN©..
No copyright heez..
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I'm Just the silliest person...why am i still running when u already have decided to stop at the destination?
why am i feeling so lousy when u show cold shoulder?why do i feel like shit..Fine...*********************************
Ohya today is My dearest Ms
Cui Ting bdae.
So fast celebrating the 22nd bdae le..
Happy 22nd bdae to you...May all ur dreams come trueMay u become prettier by the days..May our frenship stands as time goes by..Muacks.. I love U..haha...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Today while on my way down in the lift, this uncle came into the life at 13th flr.
I'm happily listening to my MP3 and he started a very weird Qn.
Weird Uncle: Aye u on diet ar? U take slimming pills?
Me: -_-!!!!~ Erm.. Nope..
Weird Uncle: But u very slim ar..
Me: Erm no la quite fat..
Weird Uncle: Aye no la.. very slim just nice, then did u exercise?
Me (shake head): Nope.
Weird Uncle: Wah then ur size just nice la, slim not too fat not too skinny.
This figure i like..
Me: Oh thanks.. -__-!!!!!!!!
And Lucky the lift came to ground floor, i walk off quickly.. *phew*What a day..After that i went to bus stop, very few pple standing there so i tot i missed all my bus so i walk to LRT and who knows after i walk off tat stupid 161 came.. Argh.. double suay...
Now back to office, alot of weird calls..
Alot of impatient customer just keep yakking all the way and making me so frustrated.
Haiz.. my day sux...
can it get better?The qn now in my mind is should i or shouldnt i?
I miss U..Missing is unbearable..Sobs...Can U tell me how not to miss u?Do u miss me? or u have put everything down and forgotten abt me?I really wanna noe..i have so many things to ask/tell u but can i?will u listen? Ohya Happy bdae to SQ...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
My Dearest ms Liu Ting say I
no medicine to cure le..poison too deep till uncurablesobs..During my lunch with val and jo, we discuss that guys are jerk..
Esp with Jo love story.. with her ex bf.. reason of breakup..
the guy is definitely a
The Theory is right: which guy will resist a hot babe dancing infront of u?So which guy will reject dancing with the babe esp close contact kind..
They have nth to lose anyway..
Then the guys will have to say, who ask the ger so shui bian.. wear so skimpy...
So it takes 2 hands to clap..Anyway what would u do if you saw ur bf getting too close to another hot babe in terms of dancing or maybe drinking together? For me i will definite go up to that guy let him see me and i wanna see his expression den i walk off.. of course i wont slap him la.. hahaAs for my r/s, Val and Jo already concluded i'm still falling into the pit and not reach the end yet so might take at least 10 yrs to climb up..
so keep falling..
i hate it... i really hate it..Anyway val was saying that in a r/s one party sure will be the bad person, cos if treat the person very good then he/she will take u for granted.
So conclusion be the one that takes rather than givers..haha
so u wont fall so badly.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Jun told me
Tears will eventually dry up.
Will they? How come mine nvr?
Do they really will dry up? Mine just like
tap water. haha
Simply flows...i hate the feeling now..i hate it when i cant speak to you..i hate it when i have things to tell you yet cant..i hate it when u ignored my presence..i hate the feeling of the atmosphere now.ade just sms me why keep harping on a meaninless feelings.Why? i also wanna noe..T_TBut then i will continue walking...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
OOps seems like i forgot some very important VIP.
Thus gotta give them a post..
Specially for them..
My dearest Sistaz..Ting, Jun, Tata, ser and Sen..Pray hard for their health too and may we be frens cum sisters forever.Thanks for standing beside me and help me up when i'm really down..Dearest ting and sen this month bdae le.. 22nd bdae..i love u all.. muacks..Lets meet up again for dinner/lunch/ktv?And dearest Brother Dennis..Pray hard for ur health too and for your pocket filled with lotsa money.. heezwork hard for studies ar..
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Jay is sick.. Fever on and off, LS, cough...Praying hard that he will recover soon..Been days liao..Anyway 2007 le, shall pray hard for my parents health too..May them be healthy and strong. I love them.Pray hard for Brother shaun to have lots of money and good health.Shall stay at home more often to acc ah jay and sis-in-law..Pray hard for Sis-in-law for her weight loss.. haha..and of course good health too.Pray hard for Jay to be more obedient and good..hahaand stop being so violent to me.. sobsPray hard for my TG4 for good health, good relationship, good life too.
May our frenship stands forever. Muacks.Pray hard for Jo and Val good health with good job and of cos our april bonus..hahaLastly pray hard for U, good health and must be happy then i will also feel happy as well.Dun drink too much either, not good for health and work hard towards ur dream too...Shall always take good care too...Opps forgot abt myself le.. wad i wan? i dunno..Perhaps good job, lotsa $$$*ka-ching* and perhaps study and get degree..
Yesterday while on my way home in train saw this old lady and i let up my seat to her.
She thanked me twice and when val left and she even ask me to sit down.
Haha she's quite a nice old lady.
And when its her stop @ serangoon she told me:
"Xiao mei xie xie ni ar....."Haha its really nice hearing it.
She's such a nice old lady..
Some old ladies i gave up my seats to doesnt even thanked me at all.. haha...
Its a nice nice day afterall..
Friday, January 05, 2007
Soul-less.. Like zombie..
Its been a mth already but then i'm still the same.
Think i'm becoming like a panda liao...
Why am i still like tat? i also dunno.
Its been routine already..Everynite just wake up at wee hours to check my phone for calls or smses and cant sleep..Everynite before sleep sure miss and think of him and tears drop..Everyday will worried abt him, his safety and blah blah..In short everyday, anywhere just think abt him even when i'm so fully occupied @ work or @ home..ok ting gotta scold me to wake up liao.. but just cant.. thinking whether will he be like tat too? perhaps like what my fren told me that when u have past failed relationship, you wont tend to put in your 100% Feelings in the next one thus you will tend to recover faster..There's a possibility actually..-hopeless shan-
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
My very 1st blog in 2007. Happy new year.New yr, new beginning?
I dunno yet. at the moment i really dunno.
New goals? i doesnt have any goals at the moment
My goal the 7 yr thingy i think u noe.. but it will nvr be completed anymore.The weight is getting so heavy that i'm going to suffocate..
I noe everyone pls stop telling me to stop thinking and give up..I cant stand it le..I noe u all are caring for me but then i'm just being silly. ok?Its not that i doesnt wanna let go, and always thinking abt itThe more i dun think, the more it come to me..Who will understand me? Nobody...
I'm out of breathe...