Monday, September 25, 2006
:::: Updates::::Havent been updating my blog for a week.
Gonna be dusty again.. *blow away the dust*
Anyway today is monday and i'm off for today cos my grandpa's death anniversary.
What have i been doing for the past 1 week?
Here's some updates.
Well went for a 2 days course, Business Etiquette. Not as if i doesnt have proper etiquette just that to know more business etiquette. Quite an interesting Course afterall.
What's etiquette? Its having consideration of the feelings of others.
We learnt how to make introductions, fine dinning, office etiquette, business lunch and networking.
This course indeed is useful when we are communicating with the clients or meeting people. I most like the part when the trainer taught us who shall we intro. Either senior staff to junior staff or vice versa. Oways intro the most impt person.
And gers should oways initiate a handshake.
We also had our lunch at the OCBC executives club there. Not a bad lunch. Heez and of course its FOC.
The wed and thursday back to work. Friday took MC to see doctor for my ear. Ear pain for the past 3 days. Luckily now ok.
Sat stahlseele did not book out cos of his 2 NtM. Met Ting and Jun for a haircut. They went to heatwave @ Marina Square. Cut, wash and blow only $21 bucks. And jun permed her hair for $131. Which is consider ok to me. I think its time for me to have a new hairdo too. My hair is super dry, need treatment and a new color. Gonna do it during december. Perhaps aft Xmas hope by then the price wont increased.
Any1 has good saloon want to intro pls tag.
I really need to do my hair.. oh no... i'm broke...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
:::Simply the sixers 160906:::
Sat is a busy day for me.
Got to work for half day and later meeting my gerfrens again. Thou we just met on
thursday but we simply wont get sick of each other.
We decided to go for
KTV, its a rare sight of us, the sixers, to go to
ktv together. We are very busy its seldom that all of us are free on tat day.
sixers refer to my other tg3 members and their bfs.
This include Ade and ZJ, Ting and LC, me and stahseele.
I just love outing with u all.
had a fun time singing and LC is really very entertaining xia. Good for ting.lolz.
The very 1st time we 3 couples go for an outing together. Hope more to come..
Mr LC singing is good

And here comes my stahlseele who is camera-shy again

And he started to sing, sing and sing

Mr Zj was late

The gers self taking fotos while the guys sing

Them - the lovey dovey

Check it out this couple

And us

Stahlseele trying to run away from camera again

But i managed to pull him into my camera but look at his face

With stahlseele trying to introduce the wall prints to Ms Ting

Lovey dovey them again

Stahlseele trying to make his eyes bigger

Mr Policeman Mr Zj doing this?

A closer look, he's pouring himself a glass of greentea we
'smuggle' in

While we 3 singing F.I.R -
Love³ and the 3 guys ran out of the room, they are so evil

Serve LC right for running away while ur gf is singing..hoho..

I Simply love these pictures, looks like we taking neoprint because we
pose, pose and pose
Pull the ears


Serious look

The no.1 to no. 6 pose


It all end with this

And this

A big contrast!!!
love this outing and you
May we meet up soon..
:::Wonderful Nite out with wonderful peepz:::Gotta update on my outings with my babes
They are simply great. Its oways very nice to meet them up for dinner session and KTV-ing session.
Life with them with me are always enjoyable. I love you gers.
-Thursday 140906
Went to sakae sushi @ bugis for dinner with my gers. Why we have to go there for sushi? Its simply because there is
vegetarian menu and it suit our TG1 - Ms ting.
A very devoted
vegetarian. Well the vege menu wasnt tat fantasy rite?
The 3 of us arrive there 1st as yy is late due to project discussions.
Ade and ting started their dinner

Here comes my favourite food which i wont miss when i go sakae, it's Chawamushi

Happily eating my Chawamushi

YY arrival with a
'peace': Spare my life for being late

YY & Me

Our favourite
With Ade not focusing on eating dinner with us

Ting & Ade

The vegetarian food *thumbs up for this*

Here's how much we ate

Lastly group foto of all of us

Thursday, September 14, 2006
:::Nice Customer:::Met a
Nice customer today. Have an enjoyable talk with him for ard 12mins
Tat's quite long
Only talk abt his account be in excess and was chrg the amt of $30 by OCBC.
Explain to him how the excess in negative works.
He's being
nice because his account in excess is due to us charging him the OD $30 for the mth of excess.
Well we waive for him once but sept cant waive for him
He's not angry abt it and chat with me on how he shld maintain the account.
He sound like uncle but a
nice chap.
Jojo also met a nice customer today..
There are
nice customer afterall..
brightens up my day
Cheers (^.~)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
:::Lifeless life:::Getting really tired and aimless about life.
Perhaps been working in that environment for too long, seen too many things and experience the different in bosses.
Nothing seems to motivate me to work. Everyday is the same.
I bet when i go studying i will also say sianz one
tat's what life is abt.
I dint really know what i want in life. Study?
When u wanna go back to study you will tend to think.
Will i be able to get a good education? Will i be able to survive under that misery savings of mine? Will i ba able to pay the school fees?
Will i be working what i've studied? Then if not what's the use of studying?
Will i be able to get good grades
Perhaps like what my previous boss say study is to educate oneself.
What about work?
Working will also wears oneself down.
When u get into that line, u will wonder what kind of environment it will be?
What will be colleagues be? Will they be gossipers? Will they be back stabbers?
What will my bosses be? Are they nice or demanding?
What my benefits are? Will i do a good job?
Perhaps it all depends on ur luck.
This is what my sec sch teacher used to say it all depends on heaven, earth and people.
(in chinese is tian shi di li ren he)
So when is the best time to meet all the good things?
Praying hard....
Wish everything arises smoothly..
Friday, September 08, 2006
:::Bad Day:::
Today is just not my day.
Was it that i woke up the wrong side of my bed? I wondered..
Early in the morning kena nag/suan by my mom
then go back office, 1st thing in the morning its a bad customer.
But i solved the problem, or rather he solved it himself by going down to the branch.
But then i did made an effort to call him to solve the matter as well.
Sometimes i wonder i really cant make a good job of being a customer service officer.
I'm easily agitated by customer.
Sometimes i just cant stand my customers.
Some customers are just stupid.. oops.. (Forgetting that i'm a customer also)
Some customer are just too much, too demanding, too noisy..etc...
Perhaps i'm just not cut out to be a good CSO?
But anyway so what if i'm a good worker?
Does my company appreciate what we have done?
I do not think so...
If you did a fast and efficient job, they take it for granted and expect you to do more stuff but with no acknowledgement.
They wont even give u a pat and tell you well done.
And pay still the same..
And Bosses will only give you empty promises.
As for me, my workload is the same as the rest but then my pay is lower than them cos my rank is lower and qualification is lower.
Like what my colleagues had said my job is for tai tai who has enuff $$$ that only wanna work to pass time..
Then again, i very easily satisfied, when customer just being nice to me, i will be super happy for the day and start to love my job again.. isnt it weird?
Ok i'm grumbling too much, perhaps i just need a sand bag
someone for me to box.. can i?
Is there any1 that i can vent my anger and frustration on?
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
:::A great talent - Steve Irwin:::One of the adventourous guy Steve Irwin has left the wildlife.
Was a shocking news to all, i guess.
He's really a very adventourous, humourous and most importantly he introduced us deeper to the mother nature and animals.
I was catched his Crocodile Hunter on tv, its really very exciting and i will tend to worry for him whether wil the crocodile turn and bite him.
But then again, he did not disappoint me.
But this time round, he wasnt lost to crocodile but lost to some sting ray.
Its a pity that we lost him.
And his children too. His son is only 2 years old, perhaps 20 years later and he can be as great as his dad.
We pray for you.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
:::I do not know:::Are we on cold war this time?
I do not know.. perhaps we are..
I'm sorry that i have blabbered some nonsensical thingy..
its the very 1st time u ignored me.
Its also will be the 1st time we on cold war..
i dunno what to do..
there's a chinese saying Ji lai zi zhe an zi..
whatever has come has its way to be solved..
tonite got no dinner again cos mummy is out for her rehearsals and singing..
haiz.. poor me.. oh well..
:::Gone with the wind:::
Alright decided to keep the previous post as a history..
I'm just being unreasonable that's all...
I'm a nuisance..
Friday, September 01, 2006
::The 1st Compliment for the year::Finally today received a written compliment from my customer. The very 1st time since i worked in the bank for 1 yr.
Customer showed his gratitude towards me by sending a letter to compliment me. He mentioned abt how i handled his case. Well Said
*Blushed*Anyway a compliment brightens up my day
*wink*Sometimes a little compliment does motivates me and to serve them better.
Being a bit more patient and use a bit more of techniques. Blah as if i can do tat.
I hope to strive for better thou i dint intend to stay long
*sHhH*I was glad that at least this customer bothered to write a compliment not like others cant be bothered with what i had done for them. Bleah
Ok shall more compliments come instead of more complains
*choy Choy*****************************************************Guess what?!Last nite i dreamt of my successful application to NUS! What a dream!
Know that it wont come true in real life but i still pray hard to get into local Uni of course.
Who doesnt? but then again too competitive.
I only can
DREAM abt it.
And again i was just thinking what will happen when stahlseele go overseas to further his studies while i'm staying here in Spore.
What will become of us? Our relationship?
Perhaps gone with the wind?
Or its just another obstacle to our r/s?
A test to test whether are we really game for it.
Just like what
edward said to me that time, even if both stay in singapore who can guarantee we can last forever.
Its all unpredictable.
So the quote for today: Only true love perseveres through temptations and trials