Sunday, January 29, 2006
Firstly gonna wish everyone a happy CNY... May all your dreams come true!
For Students: May u pass every exams with flying colours!
For working pple: May ur salary increase and lesser workload! lOl..
For Elderly: May you all be health and strong!
For Me: Hope i can save up more and go to study soon!! tat's my wish for this yr and hopefully get into Local Uni!!! And hope that i can get a rise in pay!!!
Haiz..thursday at work make a big blunder lor..
this error that i cause can allow the bank to lose money cos its due to foreign exchange rate.
haiz..boss helped me settled it already but i know this will affect my probation lor.. guess will be extended!! I dun want to be extended cos i cant get my bonus if its extended and i cant get a rise in pay too!!
so stressed recently..... Guess its time to quit once i save enuff for my studies... or hopefully this yr can get into NUS or NTU lor..den i quit immediately..lolz..
pray hard for me!!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Oh finally have some pics that we took... at least can update some pics not tat boring afterall..
Tata, Ser, Jun

Sen, Jun, Ting, Ser and Me

Busy Self taking pics


Picture tat is ruined by Sen

Sunday, January 15, 2006
Oops.. ytd finally got 1A07 class gathering..but i cant make it cos of my thanksgiving at temple..
no choice... gotta sacrifice gathering liao. Haiz...
Shall meet up u guys some other days ba...
haven been seeing them recently..
Thursday, January 12, 2006
HapPy 21St bdaE to CuiTing!!!
Old Liao Leh..bUt owaYs sTay preTtIe anD cUte!!
hOpe u lyk the prEsent! (^.~)
Ytd wEnt tO celebrate ting's Bdae at Sakae..
Enjoyable night with my gers..
so long nv meet up liao..
great gathering...
Thanks to Sita who organise and bot the pressie for ting..
Hope to see all of them on sat.. hopefully..
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Finally went to dye my hair yesterday. However it did not really turn out to be the color that i wanted. I wanted reddish brown sort of coppery color.. and highlight abit..
but in the end my stylish dye brown and highlight seems to be in gold color..can u imagine tat color on me??
it no longer look like me now..seems like an ah lian..lolz...
hmm cant imagine bright the color...
now i become fairer...lolz...
guess my frens who get to see me sure faint..lolz...
so hip now..not like me..haha
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
My fav pretty singer : 许慧欣
太冲动的说 you're all that i need
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Lately getting kinda vexed easily..maybe i'm worried bout alot of things ba.
Alot of things for me to think of. Basically as the age grow ur troubles seemed to increase.
i cant be tat carefree ger just like i used to be anymore. Life is a little bit different.
Hope i can pursue my dreams soon but i doesnt have the courage to do so. Nobody is there to back me up. Lacking of courage cant make things work well.
This yr has jus begun hopefully it will work well for me.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Finally got time to select the template in office.
Xmas is over and thus shall change the template of my blog.
I fall in love with this once i saw this during my office hours.lolz.. Shh..
so i decided to use this template.
My blog has been quite dull, i shall update some fotos that i took during new yr eve.
Finally 4 of us gather with our BF along
Ade and ZJ.. So loving ar..

Liu Ting and LC

Me and my idiotic BF..LOL

YY eating otak..ware is the BF? Hope next yr

Games time and i feel bored so decide to take this pic

Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Yoz peepz, how's ya 2006 celebration??
i have so much fun in ade chalet, thanks to ade who invited us to ur chalet and have fun there..
last last yr we celebrate at ur chalet for xmas..its only 4 of members have increased up to 7 liao..hope next yr is 8 liao..lolz...
hmm new yr must have new resolutions and goals...
but got some problems here..
1st qn shld i celebrate my 21st bdae?? shld i open a chalet???
2nd qn shld i go study this yr liao??? SIM super ex will i be able to have the sufficient funds for my sch fees?? Will i be able to cope with the stress again since its been a yr since i study...
now is quite carefree cos got income and weekends can relax...however i really want a degree....
someone pls guide me along....
haiz....2006 must have some achievements...
wad's my 2005 achievements then?
1) Graduated from SP successfully
2) Still being able to get along well with my BF (is this achievement?)
3) Got a job at so-called established company
not much achievements last yr..hope to have more this yr..lolz...dream on