Sunday, July 31, 2005
My graduation ceremony pictures...Miss my poly frens..
anyway this is only partial of them cos my camera tat day no battery cant take more..sobs
Group Picture..Nice?

Jian Hong and Me

Chia Ming and Me

The White Guy Gang (Do Re Me Fa Soh LAAAAAA)

Hui² and Me

K.O. Dennis

Me and sita wif one extra person(dearie) there trying to catch attention..lolz

wad are they doing?? (L to R: JH, Dennis, Chia Ming and Tata)

Hong Pang and Me

Brother Dennis and Me (Do we Look aLike?)

Bertina and Me

The guys gang..notice any botaks there?

My mom and me at the lovely bridge

JunJyae shifu (smart guy) and Me

Mum and Me

Dearie and Me (are we compatible..hiak hiak)

My ex fyp groupmate Chung heng and Me

Ser and Me

ShuYing and Me

Karen and Me

Eve ger ger and Me sad tat most of my kahkis nv come..
i really wanan take fotos wif you all lor..sobs
Saturday, July 30, 2005
argh wad am i?
i'm fat, my face is chubby, i got fat thighs and blah blah...
no cure le..argh....
why cant be as slim as those gers on the street?
why cant be as pretty as those gers on the street??
haiz..i guess its all fated liao..sobs..
ohya..anyway in 2 weeks time i wil move to OCBC bank liao...
be their CSV department..haha..
i will sure miss my colleagues..and i noe they miss my laughter too lolz..
but lucky is same building so still can makan wif them lor...haha
Friday, July 29, 2005
hmm...haven been updating my blog recently..
tues attended my graduation ceremony.. this is wad i called finally graduated cos i personally go on stage to collect my own cert..
study hard for the 3 years is jus to get my very own kinda wasted to those who nv go for their own graduation lor..
quite fun la..seeing all my coursemates getting their certs and stuff..
heng the one sitting besides me is some1 i noe lor..she's su khing..
at least got someone to talk to me..lolz not so bored after all..
and the very qiao thing is her bf same commando camp as stahlseele..haha..
den we jus kept talking about her bf and mine..haha...
glad to see hui huan again lor.on stage and congrats to her, junjyae, chia ming and JH got the merit award and alot of other awards la..
finally graduated le..dunno wad's my path lor..
wil update the fotos soon lor..once i get all my fotos from JH..
ohya lastly glad tat the superstar derrick and kelly got in..
anyway they sure win this contest de..the others jus stand aside...esp silver
at 1st see her sweet but now hmmm no longer pretty and very proud too..
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
today early in the morning i wake up my mom walk into my room and say my chou chou die le..
he's been following me since my attachment last yr dec til today.. 26/7 my graduation day..
half a yr le lor..
sad to see him leaving me..he had been a gd pet to me lor.. so adorable at times...
Rest in peace ba chou chou..i'll miss ya..sobs...
my mom wil miss ya too cos she loved u to bits...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
thanks to louis from ex OOCl...
thanks for his time to console me..blah blah and giving me advice on which one to choose..
he say i shld dink far..dun oways looK at the fun and blah blah..
he also teach me how to see a gd Asst manager (am)
i oways tot a gd AM shld do his work or rather help his workers do work... but no..
he say a Gd AM shld dedicate his work to his workers and do planning for future..
a gd AM does not do much work..haha..wad a weird one..
another kind of AM is only noe how to talk but no action
while some is only promote those who are boot lickers..haha..
hmm anyway.. he say everyone shld work for themselves..
jus like i wil dink of the colleagues la blah blah but will them dink of me?
if they found a gd job wil they jump? of cos..and they wont dink of wad a gd colleagues he have blah blah....
well..i got some few days to dink again...nvm shall go slp now..
hope i wont dream of tat again..
hmm tml graduation liao..
not much gers go lor..sianz
i tot that some1 wil go but in the end she still nv go..sux..
nvm foto takings wif her den...sobs..
i oways so indecisive..sux...
i sux...
Monday, July 25, 2005
this song is super nice cum meaningful..heez...dedicated to all bfs and gfs out there..and stahlseele
Sunday, July 24, 2005
If you throw your clothes all over the place,you are a friendly, life-of-the-party type. You are free with your thoughts and opinions, not caring much about what others think of you. Your parents might think your room looks like a cyclone hit it? but it actually represents your happy, individualistic nature!
If you remove each piece of clothing and put it away carefully,you are a serious person who likes her life to be very calm. You are comfortable with routine, and you believe that the best way to deal with life's problems is to prevent them in the first place. You are a perfectionist. By nature you are quite shy. You are observant and you know more about some people than they think, just because you've watched them. You are dependable and sometimes intense. You think carefully before making decisions. You go about your tasks methodically, with concentration. You know how to pay attention.
If you take off the shirt, and ten minutes later get around to the pants,you are an extremely self-confident person. You are naturally bright and intellectual. You are also a deep thinker who loves to ask questions and ponder the meaning of things. You hate being rushed and you do not like to be hassled. Usually you like a lot of free time for yourself.
If you get out of your clothes as quickly as possible,you are concerned about others and what they expect from you, but you're worried about your own needs. You are family-oriented, and stay extremely busy. You often feel stressed, but most of those heavy expectations come from your own head! Give yourself a break; you don't have to be perfect.
If you take off your rings, earrings, necklace, watch, etcetera before anything else, you are a warm and sensitive person. You are considerate and thoughtful, and you give good advice to your friends. You are a natural born romantic.
6) If you don't have an undressing routine and you never do it the same way twice, you are a very curious and interesting person. You enjoy a broad range of activities. You take risks and enjoy fun and adventure. You are very social.
hmm finally waited for stahlseele to book out le..heez..
so happy to go out with him once again.lala
hmm den today went to see fireworks wif him at esplanade..
the view is super nice..fireworks is jus above my head..oh my..
i oways wanted to watch fireworks wif my loved one cos it oways seem so romantic..
i will oways remember today cos it's the 1st time he acc me to see fireworks...
time oways seemed so short wif him..sianz...
so mus cherish lor..
gotta wait for another week again....
but nvm this week got graduation so still can see him..lolz..
love ya
Saturday, July 23, 2005 kahkis in office mostly are guys la..heez...
Simon (my department)--> he's a crappy guy and can oways crap wif me..
he oways talks bout his bei bei who is his daughter only 2 years old..
when he's serious he's really serious and can teach me alot lor..
and he doesnt ask me to do his stuff unless he's rushing for time..
Benjamin (B/L department) --> he ar..very cute cos he fat fat doraemon lor..
we called him doraemon cos we cant see his knackles manz..
den he's very nice also..oways kena suan by evon, jean and
simon..den whenever he see some nice gadgets he sure buy
one like his lastest O² hp lor...
William (Transhipment department) --> He's a nice guy too very observant and gentleman
nice to gers.. still remember one incident i wore a
short skirt den i sit opp him den he ask me to
change seat cos the guy behind him keep looking at
me.. i dint even notice tat..haha nice guy ar..
Den whenever i take hot soup la..or drinks he wil
sure help me take de.. nice guy..lolz
well jus a brief description of my colleagues who acc me for lunch...
Friday, July 22, 2005 OCBC bank called me and told me i got the job..
actually dunno shld i be happy or not
cos basically the OCBC offered an attractive paid job...(well ok it's better than my current one of cos..)
but its customer service job...and need 6 mths probation lor...
it's a desk bound job..everyday take in calls by customer and serve them la..dunno isit wad i wan...
bank more polictical and more stressed lor..since it's CSO..nid to be scolded by customer and its a whole new environment leh...and i wil be learning new things all over again..
and well for OOCL its a good environment in slacking, wear casual and can listen to radio tat's very impt..and i already noe how the company works liao...
but the pay sux...cant save much for my sch fees..
hmm well..wad shld i do? stay or not..
this is an impt decision making xia..
this is only one chance for me..
to go or stay...this is the qn..
anyway i will be meeting OCBC bank next week so i can make my decision and in the meantime let OOCL boss make decision whether to promote me as a perm..
since my am say got chance cos they are adding in more service and vessels...they need pple...
hhmmm nvm...left one day..hoho ^.^
Thursday, July 21, 2005
yoz ger happy bdae ar..
today is my adeline ger ger de burfdae lor..
hmm grown up liao ar..20 years old liao..hmm last yr my wish for u come true..finally found the prince le la..heez... c",)
hMm today went to buy 2 slices of cake for her...
seems like my burfdae i dint get to eat cakes leh..sobs...
nobody treat me cake this year...not my family, nor frens nor my dar...
i dink i very long nv blow candles liao..haha guess it stop at 19 la.oops..only one yr..
last yr one is the best and most memorable burfdae..heez.. *winks*
oh well..enjoy ur day my ger..heez...
hmm today is wednesday le...
2 more days..hurray...!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
hmm shld i go for my department dinner which is at orchard..
heard the food is nice and ex..haha..
but gotta go for gym tat day leh..
shld i skip my gym and go makan?? haha i dunno..
sometimes i go abit sianz leh..cos i small fry talk their stuff lor..den i makan...
anyway is our department vendor's treat..haha..oways got treat nice..
last time at attachment they also treat us twice..lolz...
shld i go?? heez..anyway is this thurs..
hmm counting down to 3 more days to sat...
looking forward for saturday but wad shld we do?? heez
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
finally this week is the 2nd week stahlseele went to army..
he will be back this sat..yeah!!
glad to see him back again...back to me..muahahaha
bet the guys missed him?? haha...
all the best to the guys going army this friday lor..heez..
good luck..
Saturday, July 16, 2005
i hate it when u push the blame to me..
everytime like tat one..
everytime she scold u u sure push to me...
i did nth ok....u @#!@$#@!$
Thursday, July 14, 2005
today feels abit stressed up la..esp when alex my asst manager say he passing on to me his service consisting of bout 5 vessels this mth..cos he's on leave next week..argh stressed! this means i got bout 9 vessels to take care this mth..they are gonna be my baby...heez...
2nd stress up thing is tat i got an interview at OCBC bank this friday (customer service officer)
the ger jus called me and ask for an interview lor..
actually considering not to go since i like my current job --> casual wear, nice colleague, things i noe..except the pay...
so i consider for a while den finally bout 5pm they cal again and i agreed to go lor..
no harm trying wad maybe the pay is gd ba..hEez..but i simply hate interviews..cos when i get nervous i dunno wad to talk..brain jus cant work for me as well..
haiz..anyway is friday 1730 2 floors below ware i'm working now..
from OOCL at 42nd storey to OCBC bank 40th storey..this means that i wont be late for interview..can go for interview after work den go back work OT again..
well fridays are OT days for me..cos i dun wanna come back settle my vessels on sat lor..
saturday is for frens and loved ones..heez..
haiz..shld i say wish me luck for my interview?? cos i dunno is tat wad i wan.. i mean the environment and other stuff la..dun feel like changing..but no choice..
i nid to grow up cant be a little ger anymore..
maybe jus treat it as 1st day in sch too..gotta noe new pple and frens ba..haha...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
dun ask me not to miss u cos i cant help it..
missing u makes me cherish u more...
missing u is because i worried for u..
missing u is because u are not here by my side...
understand? u dun..lolz..oops..
nvm..u wil get to see this when u are back...
so for the moment now i guess gotta stick to my fone for the wallpaper..
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Nv know that missing a person is quite terrible lor..
til now den i noe tat missing a person is very uncomfortable..
u cant really sit still..mind jus keep thinking of that person..
everything bout tat person..the actions, the speech, blah blah.... >.<
But when u get to hear that person voice
u feel more comfortable but kinda sad cos the person seems so near yet so far..
once u cant hear it, tears may jus come streaming down from eyes...sorrow overwhelmed u..
wish tat i wil nvr get to miss anybody but kinda hard cos loved ones dun oways stay wif me..
guess this is jus make u miss so as to cherish that person..heez..
isnt it so??
of course i cherish everyone tat leave a footprint in my heart....
Sunday, July 10, 2005
金色的舞鞋 伴著音樂
而忽明忽滅 隱藏不可思議的美
讓我暈眩 在懸崖邊
Waiting for you I'm waiting for you
Waiting for you kiss me at the night
為何妳Cinderella 留給我一望無際的思念
Waiting for you I'm waiting for you
Waiting for you come here to my dream
牽著妳不斷旋轉 一直到黑髮變成了銀線
Waiting for you Waiting for you 直到永遠
Saturday, July 09, 2005
裝作漠不關心你 不願想起你
心痛得無法呼吸 找不到你留下的痕跡
告訴我星空在那頭 那裡是否有盡頭
卻無能為力任你 消失在世界的盡頭
找不到堅強的理由 再也感覺不到你的溫柔
告訴我星空在那頭 那裡是否有盡頭
就向流星許個心願 讓你知道我愛你
Friday, July 08, 2005
ytd went to watch fantastic four..
cool show xia..very nice..nv regret to watch tat show...
hmm today went to send dearie off to pasir ris army camp..
went wif his parents..
gotta wait for him to book out on the 23rd of long..
misses him beginning to miss him so much le..
oh well gotta go work in office le..sobs
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
well..went back to OOCL seems no diff la..haha although they change places and me too..
i sitting very far from my department liao..but alex (my asst manager) say will find a place nearer to them next week.. is no longer attachment and alex had stressed to me b4 la..
now i'm a temp there but alex say he treat me as a perm..
will teach me everything they are doing now..such as..understanding the system (1st step), how the whole process work
i will also be given a project working together wif evon..
he wanted to see how i wil progress on it..
den i will also do planning on the how the containers shld be place? which one place on the deck and which one below the deck...etc..
he say in the job i can achieve the generic skills tat i need now and in future if i'm gone to other company.
i really hope i wont disappoint him la..cos i'm slow, stupid, not flexible...blah blah..such a failure.. later he ask the qn i all dunno one..wah pengz ar..... -_-!!!
hmm anyway nvm try to survive lor as long as i can...and hope to promote to perm so i can have more $$..
wonder being a temp and he teaches me so much is tat gd?? maybe it is..cos i'm jus a temp and he teaches me so much but this means my workload more and my pay doesnt cover up for my workload..haha....
hMm..nvm bout tat...
lastly..gonna say i miss u to u-know-who...
3 more days is miserable..
guess one way not to miss ya too much is doing OT engrossed in working...
Monday, July 04, 2005 got brother treat us to Ling Zhi Vegetarian Restuarant...
hmM...we ate steamboat..nice xia..den still can order other kinds of vegetarian to eat..
but kinda ex...
i ate lots of mushrooms favorite..
oh well...tml gotta go work le..back to OOCL arms again...
shld i be happy or sad?? haha...lolz
i also dunno...
my road seems to end soon... infront of me seems dull and dark..
need some1 to help me to exit or jus lighten up my road..
Saturday, July 02, 2005
wad do i get when i' nice and kind to u?
nth but scolding...
ok fine den..i'm born to be scolded den....
FINE!! is my dad's bdae....
happy bdae dad.. may u be blessed and dun make mummy angry oways.. *OOPS*
hmm and of cos..stay healthy is very impt... went to Unilite Recruitment services to get my timesheet and to sign the contract tat i'm working at OOCL..den i saw my dear ms eyo..haha..she also go to the same agency xia..
hMm after a while i'm done wif my things ms eyo came back again to the agency and got her higher than toopid company...
oh well.. wo ren ming....
hmm she working at raffles place too..near me qiao...heez...*glad*
den went out wif yy to shopping..lolz..den went to eat the apply strudel at Bugis..
the apple strudel so nice...i LOVE apple strudel like hell..i can eat alot....
anyway we ate half of it lor..quite big..but worth it..
any1 can buy me apple strudel again? i will love u like hell..lolz.. *grinz*
gotta go feed brownie soon..cos my bro and sis-in-law went to msia to attend a funeral.. i come brownieeeeeeeeeeee........
ohya...dearie pls take care.....
Friday, July 01, 2005
hMm..let me pose one qn here:
if you are working and the month end salary comes and u discover tat ur boss actually gives u $200 extra for ur pay.. wad would u do?
1) act blur keep quiet?
2) be honest and tel the boss?
well this is actually one of my fren's senario la..haha she working part time same job as me (i wonder why i dint have extra $?) den pay is little but she discover she got $200 extra in her bank a/ she told the boss lor..
hmM.well actually if it's me..maybe i say MAYBE i wil keep quiet bout it..lolz..
maybe u might say wah i so bad...but is not i ask for the extra $ they give extra it seems like i strike 4d or lottery from why not? jus take it...
but my fren told me tat she told the boss cos she might feel uncomfortable taking wad's not hers.. so it sounds like i'm bad..
so i jus wanna noe who would choose option 1 like me...lolz.. of am i jus so bad..lolz..
i mean this is human nature la...extra salary leh...not 10 bucks 200 bucks...
anyway jus tag at my tag board ur answer...heez..