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Friday, December 31, 2004

wah so fast i'm going to step in 2005 le...haha...going to be older by a year liao...20 sounds so old...oops sorry to offend those going to be 21 la..hEe ^^
wad have i achieve in 2004? hMm...let me dink real hard... *dinking*.........................................
hmm..basically nth at all lor...other than learning more on vessels and oceans...haha...aye.. not really much achievements la...no driving license like most do.. no money... no gd results..... haha...nth...nv achieve anything at all in 2004...guess i gotta work more harder in 2005 to achieve more stuffs..haha...

i hereby (31st of dec) wish everybody all the best, happiness oways, stay healthy, less wars, less disasters, more peace (^.^)(v) .....love u all....hEez
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The monster tidal waves took the innocent pple lives....he is so bad.... he nv give any warning and here he come to take their lives.. many pple died and missing because of the tsuanami... i only can help by praying hard tat those that are missing wil be found soon....those kids are innocent..dun take their lives away...

**************PRAY HARD****************

.......treasure the ones that love u and u love or else u will regret when they are gone forever......
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

History of Teddy bears
today i shld let u all noe the history of teddy bears......

In 1902 President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt went on a bear hunting trip and had the chance to shoot a tired, very old bear, but he decided to set the bear free instead. News of his soft-heartedness spread, and a toy shopkeeper asked him if she could sew some stuffed bears and sell them in her stores, calling them "Teddy's Bear". He agreed and since then, stuffed bears have been known as Teddy Bears.......
Sunday, December 26, 2004

woHhoo...ytd nv online cos i'm at albert court hotel wif my classmates lor..of cos wif dar too..hEez..we missed the count down anyway cos quite late while walking towards ps lor.. aiyo then kena the foam spray by kenny... -_-!!! so dirty..hahaha but fun..hEez..

hmMm..receive quite alot of presents arh.. got one is li jun specially made for us de..hEe one frenship band lorl...mine is of cos my fav colour PINK~~ hMm..thanks Jun..
then receive one forever fren bear from dennis kor kor la...so cute..i love it.... i gave him one present too..hope he like it la..hEez...
hmmM..receive a aquapet from dar but it's an exchange gift la...we all bought then exchange lor...hMm..the toy abit the cute xia dun really noe how to play but now noe abit liao..agar agar lor.. ^^

hMm.. of cos i receive present from dar..hEez.. it's a soft toy a pig la....cute leh..nice to hug too cos the fur is so nice..hEe..thanks dar..i will oways hug it to bed hEez..
hope u like wad i bought for u too although it's kinda small maybe..and design wise maybe u wont like it la...hEez..

dint really sleep last nite or this morning lor..cos it's kinda weird la...cos wif dar beside me lor.. guess he feel the same too..hEez..he also nv sleep well ba..hEez.. ^^ but now still not sleepy leh..dunno why..haha...still can online write blog.. if last time i wil go to bed straight to sleep liao...

ohya..merry xmas to all..hope u all enjoy xmas eve and xmas...
Friday, December 24, 2004

today is xmas eve le..time really can pass fast man!! ohya today is also my brother and sis-in-law wedding anniversary! woohoo...they are married for 2 years le..time passes so fast...and i'm getting older and older liao..haiz.. *SiGH*
xmas eve..how shld i celebrate?? hEez..me and my classmates booked a hotel room at the king albert lor..stay there and celebrate lor.hEez..dar also there..hEez.. ^^ 1st time celebrating xmas wif him and classmates i dink although we are frens for like 3 years liao...hEe.. hope it'll be fun (^.^)(V)
hope u all enjoy ur xmas too...blessed my family, frens and esp dar!! hEez..
Thursday, December 23, 2004

todae went to see national treasure at jubilee..aiyo...actually planned to watch polar express but no more show at 6+ so in the end watch national treasure lor..wah heng nv watch polar express dun dink polar express will be as exciting as national treasure..
that story is about hunting treasure by the guy..then got lot of things happen la..then search for clues etc and fall in love..haha...
ohya..my colleague today gave me a bear and a packet of m&m...haha..nv noe he will gave me those la.. he gave my department de gers lor...then he actually at 1st missed me out but then in the end he go out and buy a bear for me...haha...thanks arh...haha...
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

haPpy 1 mOnTh and 1 day aNnivErsArY!! ^^
hmM..hOw i sPeNd mY 1sT mOnTh wiF rAd? hEE... gOt an hR earLiEr ofF fRom wOrk tO reGisTer fOr mY SAT Lor.. aIyO so trOubLeSomE aND tat GoeS mY $ liaO.... sObZ.... _
tHeN wEnt tO oRcHArd wAlK wALk wIf rAD La...hEez.. theN gO tO hOugaNg mALL tO bUy tHingS.. thEn weNt tO inTerCHanGE bUt waIT fOr mY bUsEs tO cOme bUt nV boArd Lor coS waNna sPenD mOrE tImE wIf rAd..hEez...stIll hoNey mOon pErioD caNt bLaME..wahahah ^^
haIz..haVe tO gO baCK mAkAn sO nV gO oUt eaT waD a WASte... tat's hOw i Spend My daY and My 1st mOntH anNivErsAry...
Sunday, December 19, 2004

wah today got free lunch at noble restuarant i dink...is actually one of the american hospital treat all of the shipping companies de.. cos the shipping companies all give them business to do as in send the crews to their hospital if they are injured lor.. so this lunch to do maintain the relationship maybe??
anyway the lunch is ok la buffet lor....everyone eat liao wait for lucky draw then gone liao..i ate sashimi..1st time eating that la actually..kinda weird lor...the taste is alrite but still feels like kinda raw...haha..at least get to taste tat. My colleague simon ate like one whole plate of sashimi lor..omg..he really can eat tat..haha...
then after tat go edward's house for a bdae buffet again...save $ for lunch and dinner lor..haha..but we bought a crumpler bag for him lor.. hope he like it..hEe.. have a great time la..gathering wif ex-sec schmates...really long time nv see them lor.. miss them so much...

Thursday, December 16, 2004

hmm...life shld oways be happy de...even when u are feeling low u shld maintain a happy dae.. well, simon my colleague told me tat everyday shld be happy cos being happy can makes ur life better lor.. he told me tat 10 years ago the doctor told him that his mom only left 6 mths to live cos of cancer...but now she's still alive for 10 years liao...
this is so because she maintain a happy lifestyle lor.. dun dink too much.. if she feeling sad everyday dinking of the illness then u will feel more sick lor... so everyday shld be happy to kill the illness la...hEez..

hope everyone is blessed wif gd health la... ^^

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

hmm...wad a busy day today har...haha...gotta close 2 vessels lor...haiz..
watched the blade trinity lor.. hmm.not bad la..the ger (abi) quite pretty la.. hEe... ohya the dog is super cute xia..but except for his teeth..haha..vampire doggie...so cute.......................................
sianz..dun feel like blogging today cos gotta do my xmas gift for my fren..haha
Sunday, December 12, 2004

hmm...today office so quiet cos all OFF.. then learn how to plan vessel (pei huo on vessel). then next week gotta plan for 2 vessel i guess..
wah today orchard so many pple xia..all i see is cars and peepz.. buy alot of stuff man~~hEe..presents of course.. buy one bag for myself..been spending too much liao..gotta cut down on my pocket $ le... my salary dink is gone liao la..haiz..sad..anybody wanna sponsor me?? hEe..still got some xmas present haven buy lor..sianz...
Saturday, December 11, 2004

Wen a guy reali falls in love and becomes faithfulto his beloved, his change in his character willreali shock every1 around him.. His egoist heartwill uncompromisingly softens when he willinglygives his heart to the lady he falls in love with..furthermore he'll be willing to sacrifice everythinand do anythin fer his loved one.. No matter howegoist he may be, tears will fall from his cheekswen his heart's broken.. It's not easy to see guyswho would truly cry fer their loved ones... 20 signsto recognise the strong love a guy holds fer hisbeloved.. 1. he willingly do anythin n everythin ferhis beloved.. with sincerity not coercion
2. heconstantly wans to humour his beloved and tendsto be more talkative
3. he tends to advise hisbeloved more as he truly loves her and wans herto be a better person
4. he tries to restrict herfreedom due to his overwhelmin jealousy
5. heconstantly fears losin his beloved
6. he alwaysmonitors his beloved's movements as he feelsinsecure
7. he hates e idea of other guys beinclose to his beloved
8. he becomes jealous andsensitive wen his beloved pays less attention tohim
9. he becomes the most hardworking personn help his beloved to do anythin n everythin
10. he becomes restless wen his beloved's away fer toolong
11. he cares fer his beloved more than hedoes himself
12. he constantly asks if his belovedloves him as he feels his love is greater than hisbeloved's
13. he would not be bothered wif othergals who dun hold any importance to him
14. hewill try to spend a lot of time wif his beloved eventho he noes he'll end up waitin fer his beloved
15.he praises his beloved in front of others
16. if hisbeloved leaves him, he cant trust any other gal nwishes fer his beloved to come back to him
17.wen ther is a third party, he loses his mind and iswilling to do anythin to fight fer his beloved
18. he makes sure he ensures her safety at all times
19.he is lyk a small kid who fights fer constantattention from his beloved
20. he treats his beloved as his most trusted one and willing tosacrifice all of his wealth and even his life fer her
~it's not easy to find guys who would shed their >tears jus fer gals.. so pls treasure them...~ if uagree wif wad was written above..repost..hee
Friday, December 10, 2004

i changed my nick from little piglet to kangaroo liao..wahaha.. my colleagues in office all cal me kangaroo cos i oways hop from one place to another place or shld i say bounce around in office...haha.... can imagine it? hEe...
hoho..next sat got lunch appointment with my department pple and the other company pple of the same department...at restaurant wor... hEe still got door gift and lucky draw... wahaha...heard tat last yr the door gift is a whole set of tupperware lor.. i wonder wad's for this year... hEe...
santa claus is comin to town~~~ xmas coming anybody wanna date me?? wahahaha....... i wan xmas present.... ^^
Thursday, December 09, 2004

made a blunder at work today...but luckily evon is a nice person nvr scold me lor...haha..heng arh... my asst manager say next week sat got lunch appointment at one of the restaurant only our department and other department from the other company lor... dink shld be an amercian hospital invited us to go de lor... haha got free lunch again liao..wahaha ^^
lately very sianz leh...dunno why lor...haiz... ohya andy lau is coming tml lor.. he's here tp advertise his new movie wif rene liu.. ohya congrats to him for the golden horse award~~
Monday, December 06, 2004

wah..today spend half of my day surfing net and the other half reading the book written by danielle steel.. a great writer indeed xia... makes me read and read nv feel bored. oways wanna noe wad happen next in the story..
hmm..anyway this is an interesting story about a ger name marie-ange hawkins who has the kind of childhood that most pple dream of - freedom, love and security in a beautiful old french chateau. But when she's 11 years old a tragic accident happen and marks end of that idyllic life. Her mom and dad and her brother who doted on her most died in an accident. she's left alone and orphaned. she is send to america to live with her great aunt on a farm in Iowa. her aunt is a narrow minded and mean. marie-ange is forced to work in her aunt farm. but during her stay in Iowa she met this guy billy in school. they are best frens since primary school and slowly they grow up and are still very good frens. however billy like marie-ange but marie-ange dun wanna tok about relationship yet.
got one sentence she said is very meaningful --> "if you fall in love with me, one day we will be tired of each other and thenwe will lose everything. if we stay only frens, we can never lose each other." isn't it so true.....?? actually it is because frenship can last forever til we die but love might only stays with us only for a split seconds, when it's gone we might not be back to frens anymore.......
ok back to the story, actually haven read finish yet lor.. but tat guy actually did a romantic thing for marie-ange. he made an old chevy (car) for her because she is poor and worried about her transportation to work as well as the money to buy books. in this way she can have more money on her college books..isnt it sweet?

hmm..once i finish the book then i continue ba...haha...too long liao.. anyway i guess there are some more interesting parts in that book...is a really gd book~ ^.^
Sunday, December 05, 2004

wah today 1st time go temple wif our dearest jun jie jie lor... heng the temple not as crowded xia.. orelse i will die of suffocation.. but dennis cannot go in so he gotta wait outside for us..hEe..
hmm...today jus bought my contact lens and make a pair of specs...actually got promotion lah.. buy a year of contact lens get a frame for free..but the frame not very nice la..but nvm la..can save $ lor.. everything costs me $220 lor.. my nov salary gone like 3/4 liao..haha... but nvm la this is a necessity lor so gotta buy de.. waiting for my next month pay liao..haha...hope really can get $500 in full man!! haha...

waiting for xmas to come then got holiday and can enjoy myself liao.... let it snow let it snow let it snow....hAa.. ^.^

Saturday, December 04, 2004

today i heard a story at yes933 quite nice lor..this story is about hp..who does u on ur hp for? got one romantic sentence is a guy said to his gf saying that i on the hp at nite even when i sleeping because i on it for u so as when u are in trouble u can be able to find me and i will be there for u always...
sounds so romantic har..then the ger marry tat guy lor..haha...sounds so fairy tale..
from young i oways pin for a fairy tale kinda r/s but now old liao dun dink got any fairytale kinda r/s anymore liao.

my mom still haven recover yet from her cough...haiz..*pray*
Friday, December 03, 2004

some pple jus so impolite har..how come they must stand at the mrt doors and block the way. in the end me and chevonne cant get into the train lor.. if they are not getting into the train please dun stand infront of the door and block the way.. the thing is tat the door is not closed yet and they just stand infront of the train door and i mean RIGHT infront of the door....
ohya then somemore got one absurd stuff happen is tat one auntie use her hand and prevent the door to close inorder to let her husband to come in lor..but in the end the door nv open jus close la..heng arh tat auntie hand not crush by the door xia orelse... aiyo auntie u not young liao sure u can tink rite even if ur husband is outside of the train he sure can take another one to meet u wad dun nid to use ur hand and prevent the door to close lor..
auntie u sure can dink rite? tat's abit the dangerous and it wil delay the train lor..but i wonder why the driver nv open the door and it closed. haiz....

anyway my mom is sick for weeks hope she get well soon by tml ba...see both western and chinese doctors liao..haiz... i dun wanna lose u har mummy....
Wednesday, December 01, 2004


i really like these phrases lor..haha.. so nice so true...

i really dunno how to deal it lor..haiz.. y she deal this kinda thing of mine in this way? i really dun understand..why she jus cant be like others who deal it nicely?? haiz...maye she's did so for my own good but it jus seemed not right... the way she handle this thing dint seemed to be wad i expected lor..